Orion has gone virtual this year, which has also been the first-ever virtual annual cultural fest in Odisha. From fashion to photography to drama to storming the norms in Business quizzes, to beating with the latest vibes, Orion is an expression of the youth and enthusiastic spirit of the University
Remembering the indomitable courage, fearless warrior of the Maratha Empire Chatrapati #ShivajiMaharaj on his birth anniversary Sri Sri University hosted a grandeur event to mark the celebration of Shivaji Jayanti
What are your career options after MBA? : The Ultimate Guide
Masters of Business Administration is a lucrative post-graduate program, where the chances of landing your dream job are higher.
So, as you embark on this journey of pursuing a Master’s in Business Administration, let us simplify for you, what lies next or what you cant expect after MBA.
As MBA offers specialization opportunities in a wide variety of courses, it’s not feasible to cover all of them in just one blog, which is why today we would just introspect on the most popular courses of MBA.
MBA in Finance
The finance domain is one of the most popular choices for students pursuing an MBA. For a lineup of top-notch recruiters like Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley and etc.
It’s one of the most prospective areas for pursuing an MBA. The key sectors where a finance post-grad can look into are:
Corporate Finance
Corporate Banking
Credit Risk Management
Asset Management
Hedge Fund Management
Private Equity
Sales and Trading
Salary Expectation:
Where a fraction of your prospect depends upon whether you had previous employment or you are beginning as a fresher, your package may swing around INR 8-15 LPA. With increased experience, your salary may rise till INR 30-40 LPA as well.
MBA in Business Analytics
Business Analytics is gaining massive attention in recent years, with digital growth spreading across the horizon. In this course, one is expected to learn statistical tools for quantitative analysis, data visualization, predictive modeling and etc.
The top recruiters in this field are Boston Consulting Group, Accenture, Capgemini, Wipro, Amazon and etc.
Salary Expectation:
The average salary for an entry-level analyst stands at 6-8 LPA, for a mid-seniority level it stands at 12-16 LPA and if you are a senior expert in this field, you can quite naturally expect a salary figure of 30-50 LPA.
MBA in Marketing
Marketing is a core branch of the Business Administration field that is required by every organization and can never go out of trend.
As a marketing student, you are likely to be hired by any Advertising Agencies, Marketing Companies, FMCG Sector, Financial Services, IT, and etc.
The fields which are available for marketing students are:
Competitive Marketing
Business Marketing
Online Marketing
Analytical Marketing
Customer Relationship Marketing
Advertising Management
Product and Brand Management
Retailing Management
Salary Expectation:
After an MBA in Marketing, the salary range may vary between 5-8 LPA for an entry-level professional to 15-40 LPA as you gain experience in the field of marketing.
MBA in Human Resource Management
Not an organization can run without an HR personnel, from hiring to increasing the productivity of employees to looking into significant matters of a firm.
Human Resource Management is one of the most significant fields of business and students can look into opportunities from diverse sectors like IT companies, law firms, advertising firms, retail companies, media houses, newspapers, and etc.
Salary Expectations:
Like every other field, the salary rises according to years of your experience. So, if you are starting out you can expect your salary anywhere around 4.5-8 LPA, after which it would rise to 12-16 LPA. For senior-level HR personnel, the salary figure stands as high as 25-40 LPA.
In the end, we hope that this blog could give you some useful insights on what you can expect post MBA. To read more about MBA news and tips, Stay Updated with us!
How will You choose an MBA specialization? The truth that No-one Talks About
Management studies is a very big field to swim in. And only the people who know to stand out from the crowd catches the bigger fish in the pond.
So, in a world of ifs and buts-how do you secure your chances in MBA?
Well, that obviously comes with choosing the specialization. While Management studies give you a multitude of alternatives to choose from, sometimes it can be mind-boggling to decide upon.
While you are toiling hard in the first two semesters of your MBA program, you know that you have to pick up one from the lot and stick to it. Especially with summer internships and placement season running once you enter the second year of your post-graduation.
So, let us ease your worry and help you pick up the ‘one’ that’s right for you:
Analyze your strengths and weaknesses
It’s very important to know and analyze what are the things that you are naturally good at. See MBA is a long-term deal, much of your entire life career is going to get decided upon that.
Don’t choose a specialization because your friend, your neighbor, or your parents think that, it’s meant for you.
It’s you who has to understand that what are the things you are very good at because, in the end, it’s your interest that’s going to ace your MBA journey as well as the career after that.
Nowadays competition is cut-throat, and whether you like it or not the truth is bitter, and yes not everyone lands their dream job.
So, if you want to be the one who stands out to be the genius in a particular field. Then, choose according to your interest.
Know your long-term goals
There are students, who come to pursue an MBA just out of frenzy. But, that’s definitely not the way to do it.
You have to contemplate what are your long-term plans and then suit your specialization accordingly.
You have to scrutinize comparatively between the demand of core subject specializations like HR, Marketing, Finance, etc, and the upcoming specializations of agribusiness or business analytics.
And look, where do you wish to see yourself after 5 years with that particular specialization in hand, and then choose it.
Strike a balance between hefty packages and interest
See, it’s quite usual to get tempted with the number of zeroes in a salary package and you should as a matter of fact know which specialization would more likely land you in the higher salary brackets.
But don’t jump to conclusions merely because a specialization had more good looking packages than others.
Because it all narrows down to you not only cracking the interview but also retaining the position and growing yourself as an employee or a leader.
So, don’t go blindfolded on salary numbers, seek into your interest as well look into how prospective it can turn for you.
And then select your specialization.
Take a sneak peek at the alumni network
Networking is the single most important aspect of your post-graduation studies. Your alumni-network not only gives you the reach but is quintessential for introspection.
Dive deep into their performance, achievements, and which specialization they chose from.
Use your alumni network to seek insights about which faculties are the best for a particular field, which specialization course is industry-relevant and serves your purpose.
You can also seek information like the course curriculum covered under the various offerings. In this way, you would get an overall idea of which specialization to choose.
Last, but not least all these factors derive a weightage while you go for selecting your specialization in the 3rd semester of your MBA journey.
And the best way to determine that is by chalking out these factors, with a weightage that you feel is important to you, and then narrow down to ‘one’ course that fulfills all these points.
In the end, we hope we could be your guide and could ease your tension while you chalk down your specialization.
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Our certificate course in Human Development and Counselling: Vedic and Modern Perspectives (HDCVM) has been granted copyrights by the Copyright Office. HDCVM Batch 2.0- January 4th-10th May 2020; Admission Application Opens 6th August 2019. https://bit.ly/2XYTPTB @ssuvivechana
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