Dr. Ashok K. Srivastava
Dr. Ashok K. Srivastava
Honorary Professor
M.A. (Psychology) M.Phil. (Psychology) Ph.D. (Psychology)
What subject you teach at SSU ?
Human Development/ Developmental Psychology Research Methods Psychological Testing, Social Psychology
Awards (if any)
1. Faculty at the Department of Psychology, North-Eastern Hill University, Mizoram Campus,
Aizawl (September 1984 – December 1988). 2. Faculty at the National Council of Educational
Research and Training (NCERT), New Delhi (December 1988 – March 2022), an apex institution
in the field of school education in the country. Also, functioned as Dean (Research); Heads of
Departments/ Divisions, namely Division of Educational Research, Department of Educational
Psychology and Foundations of Education, Planning and Monitoring Division, and Publication
Division. 3. Visited Canada, Nepal, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand for academic engagements.
Journals (If any)
Academic Editor, Indian Educational Review (a bi-annual, peer reviewed research journal of
NCERT) from 2014 to 2021. Associate Editor, Psychological Studies (Springer) (2005 -2020)
Member, Editorial Board, Indian Psychological Abstracts and Reviews (SAGE) (1993-2000)
Published 29 papers in peer reviewed national and international journals 15 publications as book
chapters at both national and international levels
Human strengths and virtues Research methods Child development Culture and development of
human potentialities School management
Other Accomplishments
Edited/ Authored Books: Authored/ edited books including Basics in education: Textbook for
B.Ed. Course (2014, NCERT), Rethinking intelligence: Conceptualizing human competence in
cultural context (with Girishwar Misra) (2007, Conncept), Child development: The Indian
perspective (1997, NCERT), Researches in child and adolescent psychology (1993, NCERT).
International Level Research Project: Completed research project on Successful school
management: Case studies of selected Navodaya Vidyalayas (with M.S. Khaparde and R.
Meganathan) (2004), sponsored by International Institute for Educational Planning (ANTRIEP),
Paris. International Level Module Development: Contributed as one of the authors to the
development of a set of five modules on ‘Making Schools Successful’ (2011) brought out by
International Institute of Educational Planning, Paris and NUEPA, New Delhi. National Level
Research Projects;: Completed national level research projects including (a) Experience and
consequences of happiness: A study of happiness among school students and teachers (with G.
Misra, 2013), sponsored by Educational Research and Innovations Committee (ERIC), NCERT,
New Delhi; (b) Culture and conceptualisation of intelligence (with G. Misra, 2000), sponsored by
ERIC, NCERT; (c) Indigenisation of knowledge: The case of educational psychology in India (with
M.K. Raina, 2000), sponsored by NCERT; (d) Role of acculturation in the development of values
among children: Maternal views (1996), sponsored by ERIC, NCERT; and (e) A case study of
physical and psychological development of children in temple villages/ towns of Karnataka (with
R. Muralidharan and V.D. Bhat, 1994), sponsored by ERIC, NCERT. Contribution to Sixth Survey
of Research in Psychology (Sponsored by ICSSR) Contributed a chapter titled, Dynamics of
schooling, to ICSSR sponsored Sixth Survey of Research in Psychology , edited by G. Misra
(2009), Psychology in India: vol. II—Social and organizational processes (pp. 357-406, Pearson).
Publications at National/ International Levels Published papers and chapters in national and
international journals/ books on various topics including conceptualization of intelligence,
emotional intelligence, excellence, creativity, happiness and well-being, cognitive development,
value development, conflict resolution, school management, etc. Attempts have been made to
locate the work in the cultural context. Some of these publications have appeared in Psychology
in modern India: Historical, methodological and future perspectives (2021, Springer), The
Encyclopedia of Cross-Cultural Psychology (2013, John Wiley & Sons), Handbook of psychology
in India (2011, Oxford University Press), Emotional intelligence: Theoretical and cultural
perspectives (2008, Nova Science Publishing), Psychological Studies (2008, 2005, Springer),
The International handbook of creativity (2006, Cambridge), Educational Research for Policy and
Practice (2004, Springer Netherlands), International handbook of educational research in the
Asia-Pacific region (2003, Kluwer Academic Publications), New directions in cross-cultural
psychology (2001, Polish Psychological Association), Psychology and Developing Societies
(2001, 1995, 1989, Sage), Roeper Review (2000, Michigan), Emotional intelligence: Theoretical
and cultural perspectives (1999, Swets & Zeitlinger), and International Journal of Group Tensions
(1997, New York). Research Supervision Supervised Ph.D. dissertation on emotional intelligence.
Teaching /Training Taught psychology to post-graduate students at North-Eastern Hill University
Taught trainees of post-graduate diploma course in guidance and counselling at NCERT (1989-
1997). Have been actively involved in conducting a series of capacity building programmes for
school teachers, teacher educators and University Faculty on research methodology, action
research, research writing, teaching- learning process, project monitoring and evaluation, etc.
Review of Research Proposals/ reports/ Papers Adhoc reviewer of research proposals and
research reports of different organizations as well as reviewer of research papers for publication
in journals.