Dr. Gopikrishna Panda

- Ph. D. : Sri Sri University, Cuttack , Year of Passing 2023. Title of the Thesis: “A Study on Performance Assessment of Data Analytic Techniques on Fraud Detection in Automobile Insurance”
- ME CSE (KE): Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, Year of Passing 2013. (Course funded by-Govt. Of India, UGC, DIT, & MCIT) Title of major project: “Advance Contact Centers by using intelligent Agents”
- MCA : Utkal University , Bhubaneswar, Year of Passing 2002 Title of major project: “Developing Database for Stock/ Sale – Update System”
What subject you teach at SSU?
Database Management System
Operating System
Computer Networking
Awarded by Regional College of Management, Bhubaneswar for smooth conduct of admission formalities 2005 to 2008 continuously.
Awarded sincere researcher by Srusti Academy of Management (Autonomous), Bhubaneswar.
- “Enhanced Fraud Detection Using Decision Trees: A Machine Learning Algorithm” published on Jun 1, 2024 Educational Administration: Theory and Practice in Vol. 30 No. 5(2024). DOI:https:doi.org10.53555/kuey.v30i5.519.
2. “Scope of Artificial intelligence (AI) in Agriculture Sector and its applicability in Farm mechanization in Odisha” paper accepted and presented in the 25th National Conference on Elevating Innovation and Sustainability with AI Excellence on 15th and 16th March 2024 organized by Srusti Academy of Management (Autonomous), Bhubaneswar.
3. “An Intensified Social Spider Optimization (ISSO) based Progressive Kernel Ridge Regression (PKRR) Classification Model for Automobile Insurance Fraud Detection, Published in a Scopus Indexing Journal “Journal of Positive School Psychology 2022, Vol. 6, No. 3, 6822-6831 on 15th May 2022” http://journalppw.com/index.php/jpsp/article/view/4139/2710
4. Insurance Fraud Detection using Spiking Neural Network along with NormAD Algorithm” published in Journal “Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education Vol.12 No. 11 (2021), 174- 185 on 10th May 2021” https://doi.org/10.17762/turcomat.v12i11.5859
5. ANFIS for Fraud Automobile Insurance Detection System published in Book Title Advance in Data Science & Management, Chapter 50 of Springer Nature ISBN 978-981-16-5684-2, Proceeding of ICDSM 2021.
6.MANET routing protocols: A review on performance issues and its implication” published in International Journal of Advance computational Engineering and Networking, having ISSN: 2320-2106 for Volume-I, Issue-3, 2013
Other Accomplishments
Worked as Head, BCA Regional College of Management, Bhubaneswar (2015-2021)
Worked as HOD, MCA Srusti Academy of Management (Autonomous), Bhubaneswar (2022-2024)