Dr. Krishna Mishra

Ph.D. in Foods and Nutrition from MPUAT, Udaipur
What subject you teach at SSU?
Food, Nutrition and Dietetics
Department topper in Ph.D. coursework.
- Participated as a speaker in the exhibition and organization and contributed immensely to educating the public on Diabetes Management on the occasion of World Diabetes Day, 2015.
- Successfully completed my job as a student fellow for 1 year during my Master’s degree programme in the project entitled, “Dry land cereal crop recipes in nutritional medical therapy for management of diabetes.”
- Presented a poster in Home Science during Post graduate Research Conference-2016 held on 26-27 May, 2016 at UAS, Dharwad.
- Presented a poster entitled “Knowledge of millets in the management of diabetes” during 31st Biennial Conference of Home Science Association of India, held on 28-30th January, 2016 at College of Rural Home Science, UAS, Dharwad.
- Participated as a trainee under R.K. Sansthan from 6th-10th February, 2017 in the training entitled, “Skill upgradation programme on Agro-food and dairy technology”.
- Participated as a trainee under R.K. Sansthan from 24th-31st July, 2017 in the training entitled, “Women entrepreneurship development programme”.
- Attended lecture and hands on training on “Healthy Eating: A Dietitian Perspective” on 6th January, 2018 at College of Dairy and Food Science Technology, MPUAT, Udaipur organized under Winter School on “Post harvest management of dairy and food products” sponsored by ICAR, New Delhi.
- Published a review article entitled “Impact of mother’s diet and maternal lifestyle during pregnancy on maternal health and fetal outcomes” in “International Journal of Researches in Social Science and Informative Studies” on two day’s National Conference held on 11th and 12th January, 2018 organized by Department of Home Science, RTMNU, Nagpur.
- Presented a paper entitled “Millet polyphenol- the natural magic drug for diabetes mellitus and its complications” during the two-day International Conference held on 19th and 20th January, 2018 at Faculty of Management, Pacific University, Udaipur.
- Presented a poster entitled “Tigernut: the superfood and its health benefits” during 32nd Biennial Conference of Home Science Association of India, held on 1st -3rd February, 2018 at College of Home Science, MPUAT, Udaipur.
- Presented a poster entitled “Sensory and nutritional quality of sweet and sour tamarind balls” during 32nd Biennial Conference of Home Science Association of India, held on 1st -3rd February, 2018 at College of Home Science, MPUAT, Udaipur.
- Received “Certificate of Appreciation” on the poster entitled “Sensory and nutritional quality of sweet and sour tamarind balls” during 32nd Biennial Conference of Home Science Association of India, held on 1st -3rd February, 2018 at College of Home Science, MPUAT, Udaipur.
- Presented a poster entitled “Acceptability and therapeutic significance of blending of oils” in the National Food Conference-2018 held on 9th -10th February, 2018 at Centre of Food Technology, University of Allahabad, Allahabad.
- Gave an oral presentation on “Evaluation of Nutrient Composition, polyphenol and antioxidant activity of millet based traditional recipes” in Advances in Food Science, Processing and safety, (National conference) – 2020 held in IIS university, Jaipur, Rajasthan.
- Published a research paper on “Development of Red Rice based Low Glycaemic Flour and the Microbial Activity during Storage” in International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences in 2020.
- Published a popular article on “Red rice- the natural drug for our health” in “Sabujeema- An international multidisciplinary e-magazine” in 2021.
- Food Science
- Nutrition Science
- Community Nutrition
- Dietetics
- Therapeutic Nutrition
Other Accomplishments
- Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) selected candidate for PG (Masters) studies. All India Rank-20.
- Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) selected candidate for Ph.D (Doctoral) studies. All India Rank-21 in Food and Nutrition
- Lifetime member of Home Science Association of India, membership No.15/OR/M-1/LF.
- December 2018- Qualified NTA-NET