Dr. Sandeep Rout

Dr. Sandeep Rout
Assistant Professor
- B.Sc. Forestry, College of Agriculture, Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, Pin-751003, Year-2010
- M.Sc. Forestry (Forest Products), College of Forestry, Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, Pin-751003, Year -2013
- Ph.D. Forestry, College of Forestry, Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture Technology and Sciences, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, Pin-211007, Year-2018
- ICAR NET in Agroforestry Qualified in the Year 2019
- ICAR SRF Forestry Qualified, Year-2013
Broad Current Research Interest: Medicinal and Aromatic plants, Plant tissue culture, NTFPs
- University Merit Scholarship for M.Sc. Forestry (Forest Products) at OUAT, Bhubaneswar; 2012.
- INSPIRE Fellowship from Dept. of Science and Technology, Govt. of India for Ph.D. Forestry programme; 2014-2018.
Academic positions:
- DST Inspire JRF, College of Forestry, Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture Technology and Sciences, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, Pin-211007;2014-2018
- Assistant Professor in Forestry, Dept. of Agronomy and Agroforestry, M.S. Swaminathan School of Agriculture, Centurion University, Paralakhemundi, Gajapati, Odisha-761211, 02/2019 to 07/2020.
- Assistant Professor, Faculty of Agriculture, Sri Sri University, Cuttack, Odisha-754006, 08/2020 to Continuing.
Research paper
Scopus Indexed Journal
- Rout S, Nayak S (2015) Vegetative propagation of Karanja (Pongamia pinnatapierre.) through stem cuttings. Journal of Applied and Natural Science 7(2):844-850. [Scopus Indexed, NAAS: 5.08].
- Kumar V, Manjunath M, Chourasia S, Rout S (2015) Variation in Physical characteristics of pod and seed abortion in Oroxylum indicum Beneth.; A potential medicinal plant of Western Ghats, India. Eco. Env. and Conservation 21 (3):1505-1510. [Scopus Indexed, NAAS:5.02].
- Kumar V, Rout S, Tak MK, Deepak KR (2015) Application of Biotechnology in Forestry: Current status and future perspective. Nature Environment and Pollution Technology 14 (3):645-653. [NAAS:4.94].
- Khare N, Kumar D, Rout S (2016) Effect of organic manures on growth and yield attributes of soybean under subabul ( Leucocephala) based agroforestry system. Journal of applied and natural science. 8(4):2219-2223. [Scopus Indexed NAAS-5.08].
- Barik SR, Mishra PJ, Nayak AK, Rout S (2016) Assessment of heavy metals in the surrounding soils and their bioconcentrations in different plants near Kathajodi river, Odisha, India. Journal of Applied and Natural Science 8 (2): 790 – 803. [NAAS: 5.08].
- Parveen S, Singh D, Bhorese R, Rout S, Khan M, Ansari EF (2017) Tannery effluent effect on the haematological parameters of freshwater fish, punctatus. Journal of applied and natural science 9(1):201-205.[NAAS-4.84].
- Parida SR, Beura S, Rout S, Beura R, Jagadev PN (2017) Fast protocol for high frequency in vitro cloning of Banana (Musa acuminate) cv. Grande Naine. Journal of applied and natural science 9(1):72-79.[NAAS-4.84].
- Patra SS, Mehera B, Rout S, Tomar SS, Singh M, Kumar R (2016) Effect of hydropriming and different sowing dates on growth and yield attributes of Wheat (Triticum aestivum). Journal of Applied and Natural Science 8 (2): 971 – 980. [NAAS: 5.08].
- Shrivastava A, Nayak CK, Dilip R, Samal SR, Rout S, Ashfaque S (2021) Automatic robotic system design and development for vertical hydroponic farming using IoT and big data analysis. Materials Today: Proceedings. (Scopus Indexed).
- Sahoo G, Wani AM, Rout S, Sharma A, Kar S, Prusty AK (2021) Impact and Contribution of Forest in Mitigating Global Climate Change. Design Engineering 4: 667 – 682.[Scopus].
- Sahoo G, Wani AM, Dash AC, Rout S, Tripathy B, Prusty AK, Dash L (2021). Impact of Rural Activities on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. Journal of Tianjin University Science and Technology 54(7):373-393. [Scopus].
- Thongney PL, Khare N, Rout S, Debbarma R (2018) Effect of different level of vermi-compost and FYM organic manures on quality parameters of Cucumber intercropped with Citrus based agroforestry system. International Journal of recent scientific research 9 (12A):29847-29850. (Scopus Indexed).
Web of Science
- Thongney P, KhareN, Rout S, Debbarma R (2020). Effect of Different Level of Vermicompost and FYM Organic Manure on Growth and Yield of Cucumber Intercropped With Citrus Based Agroforestry System. Advances in Bioresearch 11 (2): 11-20 [WoS,NAAS-4.77]
- Ghochhayat AA, Beura S Rout S (2020) In Vitro Protocol for Propagation Hybrid Lilium Cv. Fangio. International Journal of Natural Sciences 10(61): 26964-26969.[WoS].
- Pradhan K, Nandi A, Diptimayee Jena, Sandeep Rout, Barsha Tripathy (2020) Sensory evaluation of value added products and quantification of Ascorbic Acid content of Ash Gourd ((Benincasa hispida (Thunb.)Cogn.) Germplasm by Volumetric method. Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communication (BBRC) 13 (2) April-May-June:964-968 [NAAS-4.31,WoS and UGC Care II]
- Das S, Singh, SP, Rout S (2020). Suitability of Melia composita For Particle Board with the Replacement of Black Liquor and Phenol Formaldehyde Resin.Biotech.Res.Comm 13 (4) Oct-Nov-Dec: 2168-2175
- Yadav MK, Dash L, Rout S (2021) Identification and standardization of maize genotype for the rearing of maize spotted stem borer, Chilopartellus (Swinhoe) on its natural host. International Journal of Botany Studies 6(4): 388-391. [Web of Science Indexed].
- Yadav MK, Dash L, Rout S(2021). Evaluation of host plant resistance traits in certain genotypes of maize (Zea mays) against maize spotted stem borer (Chilopartellus swinhoe, Crambidae).International Journal of Entomology Research 6(4): 64-69. [Web of Science Indexed].
UGC Care Journal
- Prusty AK, Senapati R, Badajena T, Rout S (2020) Socio Economic attributes of farmers adopting System of Rice Intensification Method –An Overview. Mukt Shabd Journal 9(6):2477-2486 [UGC Care]
- Pradhan K, Nandi A, Rout S, Tripathy B (2020).Ash Gourd- An Underexploited Potential Crop.Dogo Rangsang Research Journal 10(06)13:142-151. [UGC Care].
- Prusty AK, Panigrahi RS, Mohapatra BP, Rout S (2020) Socio-economic Attributes of Farmers on their Adoption System of Rice Intensification (SRI) method in Puri District, Odisha India. Akashar Wangmay (Special Issue) 126-133.[UGC Care].
- Sahoo G, Wani AM, Prusty M, Ray M, Rout S (2020) Impact of Climate Change on Sustainable Management of Biodiversity. Akashar Wangmay (Special Issue Dec 2020).10-13.[UGC Care]
- Pradhan K, Rout S, Sahoo G, Tripathy B, Kar S (2020) Biochar: The Unexplored Wonder-An Overview. Akshar Wangmay. Special issue 171-177..
- Moharana D, Bahadur V, Rout S, Tripathy B, Prusty AK, Patra SS, Sahoo S(2020). Effect of Different Types of Mulching on Quality of Guava under Meadow Orchard. Akshar Wangmay. Special Issue, Volume-II:1-4.(UGC Care Journal).
- Rout, DS, Prusty AK, Tarania PR, Rout S (2020) Participation of Rural Youth in Agriculture and Allied Activities-A Review. Akshar Wangmay. Special Issue I: 32-34.(UGC Care Journal).
- Dash GP, Padhiary AK, Rout S, Prusty AK, Pradhan K (2020) Rural Marketing- An Overview. Akshar Wangmay. Special Issue I: 35-38.(UGC Care Journal).
- Sahoo G, Wani, AM, Prusty M, Ray M, Rout S (2020) Impact of Climate Change on Sustainable Management of Biodiversity. Akshar Wangmay. Special Issue I: 10-13.(UGC Care Journal).
- Pradhan K, Rout S, Tripathy B, Prusty AK, Barik SR (2020) Temperate Perennial Vegetables Source of Nutrients. Akshar Wangmay. Special Issue II: 5-12.(UGC Care Journal).
- Mohammed SS, Nayak DK, Rout S, Sahoo KP (2020) An Ethno-Botanical Study of Medicinal Plants of Odisha-A Review. Akshar Wangmay. Special Issue II: 129-132.(UGC Care Journal).
- Kar S, Rout S, Sahu KK, Dongre D (2020) Potential of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants in Agroforestry System-A Review. Akshar Wangmay. Special Issue I: 39-44.(UGC Care Journal).
- Patra SS, Suneetha S, Rout S, Mane SP (2020) Assessment of Soil fertility Status during Kharif Rice in Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India. Akshar Wangmay. Special Issue III: 04-08.(UGC Care Journal).
- Mishra S, Beura S, Rout S, Sahoo G, Prusty AK, Tripathy B, Padhiary AK, (2020) Post Harvest of Ornamental Cut Flowers-An Overview. Akshar Wangmay. Special Issue I: 49-52.(UGC Care Journal).
- Kesherwani B, Rout S, Barik SR, Prusty AK (2021) Challenges and Management of Waste Disposal in India. Akshar Wangmay. Special Issue Volume- IX.:21-29[UGC Care].
Peer reviewed Journal
- Rout S, Nayak S (2015) Influence of storage condition and Duration on oil content of Pongamia pinnata Pierre. Seeds. International Interdisciplinary Research Journal 5(3) Special Issue:139-144.
- Rout S, Nayak S (2015) Effect of storage condition and duration on seed germination of Pongamia pinnata Pierre. Research Journal of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences 3(4):19-24.[Peer Reviewed]
- Rout S, Khare N, Beura S, Nayak S, Patra SS (2015) Characterization of Pongamia pinnata Pierre-A Review. Journal of Biological Science. 2 (8):1-4. [Peer Reviewed].
- Rout S, Nayak S (2015) Vegetative propagation of Pongamia Pinnata through Grafting. Journal of International academic research for Multidisciplinary 3(3): 180-186.
- Rout S, Khare N, Nayak S, Patra SS (2015) Potential source of Biodiesel-Pongamia pinnata: A Review. International Journal of current research in Biosciences and Plant Biology 2 (9):30-32.
- Rout S, Khare N, Beura S, Nayak S, Patra SS (2015) Characterization of Periwinkle-A Review. International Journal for Agriculture and Research 1(8):1-3. [Peer Reviewed].
- Rout S, Beura S, Khare N (2016) Effect of GA3 on seed germination of Delonix regia. Research Journal of Recent Sciences (ISC-2015, Special issue). 5 (ISC-2015):1-3 [Peer Reviewed].
- Rout S, Beura S, Khare N (2016) Impact of GA3 seed pre-treatment on Seedling growth in Delonix regia. Journal of recent sciences (IVC 2016 Special issue) 5(11):47-49.[Peer Reviewed].
- Sahani S, Dhupper R, Kumar S, Rout S, Parveen S, Patra SS (2016) Assessing soil fertility status of rehabilitating degraded landscape of Rourkela Forest Division. International Journal of pure and applied Bioscience 4(5):103-107[Peer reviewed].
- Yadav SN, Varsha DK, Singh D, Parveen S, Rout S (2018) Flora study of Vindhya region forest of Mirzapur district at Devrikala. International Journal of applied and pure science and agriculture 4(1):26-31.[UGC Approved; Peer reviewed]
- Nayak, M, Hossain MM, Rout S (2015) Studies on Geochemistry of Sediments in river Kuakhai, Odisha, India. International Journal of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Studies 2(6):146-152.
- Barik SR, Mishra PJ, Nayak AK, Behera B, Rout S (2015). Physico-Chemical analysis of Sewage water of Cuttack city discharging in Kathajodi River, Odisha, India. Journal of Environmental Science, Computer Science and Engineering & Technology Section A: Environmental Science 4(3):666-672.
- Nayak M, Hossain MM, Rout S (2015) Studies on Bio-concentration of Heavy metals in Plants near River Kuakhai, Odisha, India. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary research Journal 3 (5):222-232.
- Mishra SK, Lal S, Patra SS, Rout S (2015) Brand promotion strategies for launching of EROS by UPL in Fatehpur District, Uttar Pradesh-A case study. Journal of Research in Environment Science Toxicology and Food Technology 1(1):1-12[Peer Reviewed].
- Kumar R, Collis JP, Singh S, Moharana D, Rout S Patra S (2015) Effect of Different levels of NPK in combination with FYM on Quality of Strawberry (Fragaria x Ananassa) cv. Chandler. International Journal of Agriculture and Food Science 5(3):92-97.[Peer Reviewed].
- Maurya SK, Nath S, Patra SS, Rout S (2016) Impact of Weather parameters on Economics of Pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) varieties in Allahabad. Advance research in Agriculture and Veterinary Science 2(5-6):04-07. [SJIF: 3.774].
- Morya,, Amoah, A.Danquah., Thompkinson, D.K. and Rout, S.2016. Nano-enabled materials in food industry and their potential hazards to human health and environment: A Review. International Journal of Pharma and Bioscience. 7(2): (B) 589 – 593. [IF:5.12]
- Yadav A, Dubey K, Parveen S, Rout S, Singh D (2016) Influence of BG-11 culture media on growth of Cyanobacteria, Oscillatoria Journal of Biological Science 2(7):38-42.[Peer Reviewed].
- Singh VP, Nath S, Patra SS, Rout S, Sahoo S (2016) Influence of weather parameters on Lentil (Lens culinaris M.) at Allahabad. Journal of recent sciences (IVC 2016 Special issue) 5(10):1-8. [Peer Reviewed].
- Dillip WS, Singh D, Moharana D, Rout S, Patra, SS (2017) Effect of GA different concentrations at different time intervals on seed germination and seedling growth of rangpur lime. Journal of Agroecology and Natural resource Management 4(2):157-165.[Peer reviewed].
- Dillip WS, Singh D, Moharana D, Rout S, Patra SS (2017) Effect of GA3 on seed germination and seedling growth of Kagzi lime. Journal of scientific agriculture.1:62-69.[Peer reviewed].
- Kar S, Rout S, Sahu ML, Sharma Y, Patra SS (2020). Bio-Fertilizer in Forest Nursery-A Review. International. Journal of Industrial Biotechnology and Biomaterials 6(2): 1–14.
- Sahoo G, Wani AM, Sharma A, Rout S, (2020). Agroforestry for Forest and Landscape Restoration. International Journal of Advance Study and Research Work. (Special Issue ICROIRT-2020 536-542.
- Sahoo G, Swamy SL, Rout S, Wani AM, Mishra A (2021) Exploitation of Wild Leafy Vegetables and Under-utilized Fruits: Consequences for Food and Nutritional Security. Annals of R.S.C.B 25(6): 5656- 5668. .[Peer reviewed].
- Panigrahi S, Rout S, Sahoo G (2021) Ethnobotany: A strategy for conservation of plant. Annals of R.S.C.B 25(6): 1370-1377.[Peer reviewed].
- Kar S, Rout S, Sahu ML, Sharma Y, Patra SS (2021) Bio-Fertilizer in Forest Nursery-A Review. International Journal of Industrial Biotechnology and Biomaterials 6(2):1-14.[Peer Reviewed].
NAAS Journals
- Biswal D, Rout S (2015) Effect of Moisture content on sound absorption Co-efficient of some Indian timbers. Journal of Plant Development Sciences 7 (10):749-753.[NAAS:2.35].
- Meher AK, Biswal D, Rout S (2016) Utilization of Non Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) by Local People of Nuapada and Boudh Districts, Odisha. Advances in Life Sciences Journal 5(5):1709-1712. [NAAS:3.56].
- Sahoo P K, Nayak S, Behera LK, Rout S, Biswal D (2016) Influence of storage condition and duration on oil content of Physic-Nut seeds. Multilogic in Science 4(14):172-176. [NAAS:3.45].
- Sahani S, Dhupper R, Kumar S, Rout S, Parveen S, Patra SS (2016) Vegetation structure and species diversity in rehabilitating degraded landscapes of Rourkela Forest Division. Advances in Life Sciences Journal 5(18):7469-7482. [NAAS: 3.56].
- Tomar VS, Rout S, Choukesy S (2017). Current status of habitat and food resources use by Sarus crane (Grus antigone) in Faridpur thesil under Bareilly district of Uttar Pradesh. Journal of Entomology and Zoology studies 5(6):2018-2023.[NAAS:5.53].
- Rout S, Beura S, Khare N, Patra SS, Nayak S (2017) Effect of seed pre treatment with different concentrations of Gibberellic acid (GA3) on seed germination and seedling growth of Cassia fistula Journal of Medicinal plants studies 5(6):135-138 [NAAS:3.53].
- Rout S, Khare N, Beura S (2018) Vegetative propagation of Ashoka (Saraca asoca De Wilde) by Stem cuttings. The pharma Innovation Journal 7(1):486-488.[NAAS:5.03].
- Rout S, Khare N(2018) Effect of various surface sterilization on contamination and callus regenerations of Ashoka (Saraca asoca) from leaf segment explants. Int. Jour. Curr. Microbilogy app. Sci 7(7):2027-2033.[NAAS 5.38].
- Humtsoe C, Khare N, Rout S, Debbarma R (2018) Influence of different pre-treatment methods on seed germination and seedling growth performance of Golden shower tree (Cassia fistula L.). Journal of Plant development sciences 10(11):617-621.[NAAS:4.57].
- Zimomi AH, Kukreja K, Debbarma R, Khare N, and Rout S (2019) Comparative study of chemical variants in in vitro and wild grown root extract of Valleriana wallichi International Research Journal of chemistry 24:1-14.[NAAS:4.32].
- Yadav M, Umrao R, Rout S (2019) Effects of Organic, Inorganic And Bio-Fertilizers On The Growth of Maize Under Subabul (Leucaena leucocephala) based Agroforestry System. Journal of Plant Development Sciences 11(4): 189-199.
- Panigrahi S, Rout S, Sahoo RK (2019) Estimation of Tree Species Diversity Inside Centurion University of Technology and Management, Paralakhemundi Campus, By Using Simpsons Diversity Index. Journal of Plant Development Sciences 11(6) : 353-358.
- Rout S, Beura S, Nayak S, Kar S (2020) Effect of GA3 Different concentration on seedling growth of Bael. Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Biosciences 8(4):125-128 [NAAS:4.74].
- Imantush, Khare N, Rout S, Debrahma R (2020).Effect of organic and inorganic fertilizers on growth and yield of Bottle Gourd (Lagenaria siceraria) under Teak based Agroforestry system. Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Biosciences 8(3), 388-395 [NAAS:4.74].
- Sahoo, RK, Nayak S, Rout S (2020) Variability in physical properties of Eucalyptus hybrid wood Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Biosciences 8(6): 119-123 [NAAS:4.74].
- Barik SR, Mishra PJ, Nayak AK, Rout S (2015) Physico-Chemical characteristics of sediments in Downstream of Kathajodi River, Odisha, India. Trends in Biosciences 8(20):5524-5528. [NAAS-2.74].
- Barik SR, Mishra PJ, Nayak AK, Behera B, Rout S (2015) Geochemical studies of sediments in the Downstream of Kathajodi River. The Ecoscan 9(3&4):801-808.[NAAS:5.06].
- Sahoo,C., Beura,S., Rout,S. and Beura,R.2015.High frequency in vitro cloning of Banana (Musa acuminate) cv. Grande Naine. International Journal of Agriculture, Environment and Biotechnology: 8(4): 943-950. [NAAS:4.10].
- Beura S, Mohanty P, Rout S, Beura R (2016) In vitro Clonal propagation of an Ornamental Garden Plant Bauhinia galpinii. Journal of Tropical Forestry 32(2):71-82 [NAAS:3.20].
- Mishra MR, Beura S, Rout S, Beura R, Jagadev PN (2016) In vitro Shoot Proliferation in Commercial Cultivars of Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum ). Research in Environment and life Science 9(12):1467-1470. [NAAS:4.09].
- Beura S, Sahu A, Rout S, Beura R, Jagadev PN (2017) Standardization of plant bioregulators for in vitro shoot proliferation of Curcuma longa Cv. Roma. Int. Journal of Current Microbiology and applied science 6(5):386-394. [NAAS:5.38]
- Barpanda S., Beura, S., Rout, S, and Jagadev PN (2017).Studies on in vitro regeneration of Sandalwood (Santalum album Linn) from leaf disc explants. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 6(6):892-896.[NAAS:5.21].
- Ghochhayat AA, Beura S, Rout S (2020) Standardization of In Vitro Regeneration Of Hybrid Lilium Cv. Tresor. Global Journal of Bio-Science and BioTechnology 9 (3) 2020: 11-115 [NAAS 4.13]
- Tomar SS, Suresh BG, Rout S, Patra SS (2016) Evaluation of medium early maturing rice (Oryza sativa) hybrids for grain yield and quality traits. Research in Environment and life Science 9(7): 834-840.[NAAS:4.09]
- Maurya SK, Nath S, Patra SS, Rout S (2016) Effect of different date of sowing on growth and yield of Pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) varieties under Allahabad condition. International Journal of science and Nature 7 (1) 2016: 62-69 .[NAAS:3.60]
- Kumar R, Collis JP, Singh S, Moharana D, Rout S, Patra, S (2015) Effect of Different levels of NPK in combination with FYM on Growth and Yield of Strawberry (Fragaria x Ananassa) cv. Chandler. Life Science Leaflets 69 (11):44-61. [NAAS:2.69]
- Patra SS, Mehera B, Rout S (2016) Agrometeorological Indices under different hydropriming duration and sowing dates of Wheat (Triticum aestivum). Life Science Leaflets 72:192-202.[NAAS: 2.69].
- Maurya, SK, Nath S, Patra SS, Rout S (2015) Influence of Weather parameters on Pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) varieties at Allahabad. Journal of Plant Development Sciences 7 (12): 863-868. [NAAS:2.35].
- Singh M, John SA, Rout S, Patra SS (2016) Effect of GA3 and NAA on growth and quality of garden Pea (Pisum sativum ) cv. Arkel.The Bioscan 10(3): 381-383. [NAAS:4.57].
- Singh VP, Nath S, Patra SS, Sahoo S, Rout S (2016). Effects of hydropriming and different sowing dates on growth and yield attributes of Lentil (Lens culinaris M.). Research in Environment and life Science 9(12):1461-1466. [NAAS:4.09].
- Phadhiary AK, Hota B, Pradhan U, Rout S, Behera PK, Sahoo S (2017) Biochemical traits of some rice varieties grown under water logged and submerged condition. International Journal of Farm science 6(4):290-298.[NAAS:3.54]
- Dharavath N, Mehera B, Nath S, Patra SS, Rout S (2017) Effect of Different sowing dates and application of selective pesticides against Aphids (erysimi) population in Mustard (B.juncea). International Journal of Current Microbiology and applied Science 6(2):56-66.[NAAS:5.38][IF:2.937].
- Phadhiary AK, Hota B, Pradhan U, Rout S, Behera PK, Sahoo S (2017) Nutrient uptake of different rice varieties grown under water logged and submerged condition. Multilogic in Science 6(XIX):95-100.[NAAS-5.20][IF:1.137].
- Dharavath N, Mehera B, Nath S, Patra SS, Rout S (2017) Effect of Different sowing dates and application of pesticides on growth and yield of Mustard Crop (juncea). International Journal of pure and applied Bioscience 5(1):178-187.[NAAS-4.74][IF:5.35].
- Phadhiary AK, Hota B, Pradhan U, Rout S, Behera PK, Patra SS (2017) Morpho Physiological traits of different rice varieties grown under water logged and submerged condition. International Journal of Current Microbiology and applied Science 6(2):56-66.[NAAS:5.38][IF:2.937].
- Dharavath N, Mehera B, Nath S, Patra SS, Rout S (2017) Effect of sowing dates on population dynamics of mustard Aphids in Mustard under Allahabad climatic condition. Advances in Life sciences 5(20):9109-9113.[NAAS:3.54].
- Tripathi, AK, Ram RB, Rout S, Kumar A, Patra SS (2017) Effect of Nitrogen Levels and Spacing on Growth and Yield of Radish (Raphanus sativus ) Cv. Kashi Sweta. International Journal of Pure and Applied Bioscience 5 (4): 1951-1960 [NAAS-4.74].
- Bar N, Padhiary AK, Behera S, Rout S (2017) Krishi vigyan Kendra training programmes and suggestions of the tribal people of Odisha-An Overview. Multilogic in Science 7 (14):125-128. [NAAS:5.20][IF:1.13].
- Dharavath N, Mehera B, Rout S, Nath S, Patra SS (2017). Impact of weather parameters and application of pesticides on economics of Mustard crop (Brassica juncea) in Allahabad. Trends in Biosciences 10(35):7449-7454.[NAAS:3.94].
- Behera S, Padhiary AK, Rout S, Nayak A, Behera D, Nanda PK (2017) Effect of plant growth regulators on Morpho physiological and yield parameters of some Sesame (Sesamum indicum) Cultivars. Int. Journal of Current Microbiology and applied science 6(11):1784-1809. [NAAS:5.38][IF: 4.11].
- Behera S, Padhiary AK, Nanda PK, Rout S, Nayak A, Behera D (2017) Influence of plant growth regulators on chlorophyll content of different Sesame (Sesamum indicum) Cultivars. International Journal of Pure and Applied Bioscience 5 (5):1439-1444 [NAAS-4.74].
- Tripathi AK, Ram RB, Rout S, Kumar A, Patra, SS (2017) Studies on the effect of nitrogen levels and spacing on quality traits of Radish (Raphanus sativus ) Cv. Kashi Sweta. International Journal of Chemical studies 5(6):537-540.[NAAS:5.31].
- Kumar A, Pandey RK, Rout S, Singh D, Moharana D (2018). Screening of some rice germplasm against Angoumois grain moth [Sitotroga cerealella (Oliv.)]. International Journal of Fauna and Biological studies 5(1):67-74. [NAAS: 4.0].
- Tripathy B, Dalai S, Meenakshi Badu, Pradhan K, Sindhu MS, Bhagyarekha B, Rout S (2020) Journal of Plant Development Sciences 12(4):189-194). [NAAS: 54]
- Pradhan K, Alok Nandi, Swarnalata Das, Gouri Shankar Sahu, Sandeep Rout, (2020) Correlation and path analysis of the yield contributing characters of different ash gourd [(Benincasa hispida (Thunb.)Cogn.] germ plasm. Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Bioscience 8(3): 248-254[NAAS 4.74]
- Pradhan K, Nandi A, Rout S, Tripathy B (2020) Nutrient uptake of ash gourd [(Benincasa hispida (Thunb.)Cogn.] genotypes. Journal of Plant Development Sciences 12(6): 361-364. [NAAS 4.74].
- Barsha Tripathy, Sharma D, Dalai S, Pradhan K, Rout S. (2020). Genetic diversity studies in brinjal (Solanum melongena) Multilogic in Science X (XXXIV):984-985 [NAAS 5.02]
- Tripathy B, Tripathy P, M Sai Sindhu, Pradhan K, B Sahu, B Bhagyarekha, Sandeep Rout (2020) Variability studies in Cucumber (Cucumis sativus) – A Review Journal of Plant Development Sciences 2(6): 327-333. [NAAS 4.54]
- Prusty AK, Panigrahi RS, Chitrasena Padhy and Sandeep Rout. (2020).Knowledge Level of Farmers Regarding System of Rice Intensification (SRI) Method in Puri District of Odisha Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Biosciences.[NAAS 4.74]
- Meena LL, Mohanty BK, Prusty AK, Rout S (2020).Impact of KVK Training on Farmers of Jagatsinghpur District of Odisha Journal of Plant Development Sciences 12(6): 371-374.[NAAS 4.57]
- Prusty AK, Panigrahi RS, Padhy C, and Rout S (2020). Knowledge Level of Farmers Regarding System of Rice Intensification (SRI) Method in Puri District of Odisha. J. Pure App. Biosci 8(3):270-277. [NAAS:4.74]
- Meena LL, Mohanty BK, Prusty AK, Rout S (2020). Impact of KVK Training on Farmers of Jagatsinghpur District of Odisha. Journal of Plant Development Sciences 12(6): 371-374. [NAAS:4.57]
- Gochhayat AA, Beura S, Rout S (2020). In vitro Protocol for Propagation Hybrid Lilium Fangio. Indian Journal of Natural Sciences 10(61):26963-26969.[WoS][NAAS:3.56].
- Gochhayat AA, Beura S, Rout S (2020). Standardization of In Vitro Regeneration of Hybrid Lilium Cv. Tresor.J.B.B 9 (3): 11-115.
- Rout S, Beura S, Nayak S, Kar S (2020). Influence of Gibberellic Acid (GA3) Different Concentrations on Seedling Growth of Bael (Aegle marmelos ), Ind. J. Pure App. Biosci 8(4):125-128.
- Barla GW, Panigrahi RS, Madhu M, Prusty AK, Rout DS, Rout S (2020). Knowledge Level of Tribal Farmers of Koraput District of Odisha on Cultivation of off Season Vegetables. Multilogic in Science X (XXXV):1354-1357.
- Tripathy B, Tripathy P, Sindhu MS, Pradhan K, Sahu K, Bhagyarekha B, Rout S (2020). Variability Studies in Cucumber (Cucumis sativus ). Journal of Plant Development Sciences 12(6): 327-333.
- Tripathy B, Sharma D, Dalai S, Pradhan K, Rout S (2020) Genetic Diversity Studies In Brinjal (Solanum melongena ). Multilogic in Science X (XXXIV).984-986.
- Sahoo G, Swamy SL, Rout S (2020) Nutrient Status in Pongamia pinnata (Pierre) Seedling from Different Seeds Sources. Ind. J. Pure App. Biosci 8(5), 466-471.
- Imnatemsu, Khare N, Rout S, Debbarma R (2020). Effect of Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers on Growth and Yield of Bottle Gourd (Lagenaria siceraria) Under Teak Based Agroforestry System. J. Pure App. Biosci 8(3), 388-395
- Pradhan K, Nandi A, Das S, Sahu GS, Rout S (2020). Correlation and Path Analysis of the Yield Contributing Characters of Different Ash Gourd [(Benincasa hispida (Thunb.) Cogn.] Germplasm. J. Pure App. Biosci 8(3): 248-254.
- Das S, Beura R, Beura S, Rout S, Moharana SR (2020). Effect of Surface Sterilization of Tagetes erecta L. Cv. Inca Yellow Hybrid and Orange Hybrid Nodal Explant on Aseptic in vitro Propagation, Ind. J. Pure App. Biosci 8(6): 618-623.
- Pradhan K, Nandi A, Tripathy B, Rout S (2020) Nutrient Uptake of Ash Gourd [Benincasa hispida (Thunb.) Cogn.] Germplasm. Journal of Plant Development Sciences 12(6): 361-364.
- Meena LL, Mohanty BK, Prusty AK, Rout S (2020) Effect of Socio-Economic Attributes On Knowledge And Adoption Of Farmers Towards Technology Training Imparted By Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) Jagatsinghpur, Odisha, India. Multilogic in Science X (XXXV):1350-1353.
- Sahoo RK, Nayak S, Rout S (2020) Variability in physical properties of Eucalyptus hybrid wood, J. Pure App. Biosci 8(6): 119-123.
- Mohammed S, Nayak DK, Rout S (2020) Assessing medicinal plants biodiversity in and around Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India, J. Pure App. Biosci 8(6): 420-424.
- Mohapatro SR, Mohapatra BP, Prusty AK, Rout S (2020). Input Management of Resources by Farmers in Puri District, Odisha, India. Journal of Plant Development Sciences 12(9): 561-565.
- Yadav MK, Dash L, Rout S (2021). Evaluation of Various Insecticides As Seed Protectants Against Pulse Beetle, Callosobruchus chinensis Chrysomelidae on Pigeonpea Cajanus Cajan L. Seed Under Ambient Storage. Journal of Plant Development Sciences 13(7): 491-496.[NAAS:4.13].
- Dash L, Rout S, Ramalakshmi V, Padhy D, Nihal R, Nayak S (2021) Studies on Biology of Red Pumpkin Beetle (Aulacophora foveicollis Lucas) Under Odisha Condition, India. Journal of Plant Development Sciences 13(6): 381-384. [NAAS:4.13].
- Satapathy A, Satapathy A, Rout DS, Prusty AK, Rout S (2021) Prevalence of Protein Energy Malnutrition among Under-five children in Odisha: A Review. The Journal of Phytopharmacology 10(4):272-276.[NAAS:4.46].
- Panigrahi S, Rout S, Sahoo G, Gupta S, Kishan Kumar VS (2021) Finishing properties of polyurethane coating on belached and ammonia fumigated mango wood surface. International Journal of Plant and Soil Science 33(16):57-67.[NAAS:5.07].
- Palai SK, Ramchandra, Rout S (2021) Evaluation of Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers on Growth and Yield of Onion (Allium cepa ) under Subabul (Leucaena leucocephala) Based Agroforestry System. Ind. J. Pure App. Biosci 9(1): 531-541.
- Rout DS, Mishra B, Prusty AK, Nandy A, Tarania PR, Rout S, Satapathy A (2020). Participation of Rural Youth of Bargarh District of Odisha in Agriculture and Allied Activities.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci, Special Issue 11: 1549-1555. [NAAS 5.38].
- Satapathy A, Prusty AK, Rout DS, Tarania PR, Rout S, Satapathy A (2020) Cost of Cultivation and Income Analysis of Hybrid Maize Cultivation in Nabarangpur District of Odisha.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci, Special Issue 11: 1540-1548. [NAAS 5.38].
Book Chapter
- Prusty AK, Mohapatra BP, Rout S, Senapati R, Padhy C (2021) Social Media: Boon to Agriculture. PLANTA – Vol.-2, 245 – 250.ISBN: 978-81-953419-4-8.
- Prusty AK, Mohapatra BP, Rout S, Padhy C (2021) Mobile Applications in Agriculture. PLANTA – Vol.-2, 240 – 244.ISBN: 978-81-953419-4-8.
- Rout DS, Prusty AK, Tarania PR, Nandy A, Rath S, Rout S (2021) From Job Seekers To Entrepreneurs: Success Stories of Odisha Farmers. In edited book on Food and Agriculture. ISBN : 978-81-950305-9-0. 127-136pp.
- Tarania PR, Prusty AK, Pradhan S, Rout DS, Rout S (2021) Rural Empowerment and Development through Agri-preneurship. In edited book on Food and Agriculture ISBN: 978-81-950305-9-0. 35-46pp.
- Mishra SP, Mohanty LK, Padhiary AK, Rout S (2021) Azotobacter: Nitrogen fixing Bio-fertilizer for Sustainable Agriculture. Agriculture and Forestry: Current Trends, Perspectives, Issues – IV. Immortal publications. 96-102pp. ISBN : 978-93-5437-486-9.
- Prusty AK, Mohapatra BP, Rout S, Padhy C, Pradhan K (2020) Climate Resilient Agriculture in Odisha. Agriculture and Forestry: Current Trends, Perspectives, Issues – I. Immortal publications 49-62pp. ISBN: 978-93-5426-676-8.
- Ramalakshmi V, Dash L, Padhy D, Rout S, Tripathy B (2020) Role of Semiochemicals in Pest Management. Agriculture and Forestry: Current Trends, Perspectives, Issues – I. Immortal publications 209-228pp. ISBN: 978-93-5426-676-8.
- Panigrahi S, Rout S (2021) Wood modification: An alternative strategy for use and protection of wood. Agriculture and Forestry: Current Trends, Perspectives, Issues – I. Immortal publications 267- 286pp. ISBN: 978-93-5426-676-8.
- Sahoo G, Wani AM, Rout S (2020). Organic Farming in India Status, Issues and Challenges – A Review. PLANTA – Vol.-1, 213 – 231pp. ISBN: 978 – 81 – 945962 – 0 – 2
- Sahu KK, Kar S, Rout S, Dongre D (2020) Soil Erosion: A Constraint to Agricultural Production. In Edited book on Role of Chemical Sciences in Technology and Development for Sustainability. Immortal Publications 430-440pp. ISBN No: 978-93-5416-618-1.
- Sahu P, Tripathy B, Rout S (2020) Significance of Anti-Nutritional Compounds in Vegetables. Agriculture and Rural Development: Spatial Issues, Challenges and Approaches 98-109pp ISBN 978-81-946685-8-9.
- Tripathy B, Tripathy P, Sahu P, Rout S, Sindhu MS (2020) Biofortification of Vegetable Crops – A New Tool to Alleviate Micronutrient Malnutrition. Agriculture and Rural Development: Spatial Issues, Challenges and Approaches 83-97pp. ISBN 978-81-946685-8-9.
- Sahoo G, Wani AM, Satpathy B, Rout S (2020) Agriculture and Rural Development for Sustainability. Agriculture and Rural Development: Spatial Issues, Challenges and Approaches. 75-82pp. ISBN 978-81-946685-8-9.
- Rout S (2021) Agriculture and Forestry: Current Trends, Perspectives, Issues – IV Immortal publications. 01-518pp. ISBN: 978-93-5437-486-9.
- Rout S (2021) Agriculture and Forestry: Current Trends, Perspectives, Issues – III. Immortal Publication.01-215pp. ISBN: 978-93-5437-260-5.
- Agarwal SK, Nakkella AK, Rout S (2021) Herbal Medicine – A Benign and Conventional Medical System. Immortal Publication. 01-315pp. ISBN: 978-93-5445-167-6.
- Rout S (2020) Agriculture and Forestry: Current Trends, Perspectives, Issues – II. Immortal publications. 01-312pp. ISBN: 978-93-5437-038-0.
- Rout S (2020) Agriculture and Forestry: Current Trends, Perspectives, Issues – I. Immortal publications. 01-284 pp. ISBN: 978-93-5426-676-8.
- Patra SS, Rout S, Sandeep VM., Pradhan K, Sahoo G (2020) Question Bank on Agricultural Meteorology. Ideal International E – Publication Pvt. Ltd.01-75pp. ISBN: 978-93-89817-33-1.
Popular Article:
- Rout S (2020) Sal (Shorea robusta): a timber tree species. annual report-newsletter 2019-2020, faculty of agriculture, SSU 115-120pp.
- Rout S, Prusty AK, Nayak S, Sahoo G (2020) Rauwolfia serpentina (L). Benth. ex Kurz. A Traditional Hypertensive Drug. Times of Agriculture 6:108-113.
- Tripathy B, Sindhu MS, Rout S, Prusty AK, and Dash L (2020). Micropropagation in Bamboo – An Overview. Biotica Research Today 2(10):999-1002.
- Moharana D, Bahadur V, Rout S, Prusty AK, Sahoo RK (2020) Ashwagandha: The Miracle Ginseng 1(10):37-42.
- Sahu KK, Kar S, Rout S, Tripathy B (2020) Biochar: It’s Utilization in Agricultural Land and Livestock Production-an Overview. Agriculture and Environment E News Letter 1 (1)57-60.
- Mohapatro S, Rout S, Prusty AK, Sharma Y (2021) Phytochemical Properties and Biological Importance of Neem (Azadirachta indica)- An Overview. 4th International Virtual Conference on “Agricultural & Biological Science Research” IVCABSR-2021 Date: 09th to 10th of January, 2021. ISBN: 978-93-89817-54-6.
- Mohapatro S, Rout S, Barik SR, Kar S (2021) Emblica officinalis (Amla): A multipurpose medicinal tree. 4th International Virtual Conference on “Agricultural & Biological Science Research” IVCABSR-2021 Date: 09th to 10th of January, 2021. ISBN: 978-93-89817-54-6.
- Jena A, Jena S, Padhiary AK, Rout S Prusty AK (2020) Watershed Management for Sustainability of Environment-A Review. 3rd International web Conference on ESBCSEM-2020.152pp. ISBN: 978-93-89817-38-6.
- Mohapatro SR, Prusty AK, Rout S, Padhiary AK, Tripathy B (2020) Resource Management Behaviour of Odisha Farmers – A Review. 3rd International web Conference on ESBCSEM-2020.47-55pp. ISBN: 978-93-89817-38-6.
- Yadav RK, Khan W, Sekhar M, Prusty AK, Rout S (2020) Effect of Micronutrients Foliar application on Growth, Yield Attributes and Quality parameter of Bitter Gourd [Momordica charantia] cv. F1 LHB–Swathi. 3rd International web Conference on ESBCSEM-2020.82-97pp. ISBN: 978-93-89817-38-6.
- Sekhar M, Umesha C, Mugili M, Nandan R, Rout S (2020) Impact of Nitrogen and Potassium Levels with PSB on Growth and its Parameters of Green gram (Vigna radiata ). 3rd International web Conference on ESBCSEM-2020.74-81pp. ISBN: 978-93-89817-38-6.
- Mishra S, Rout S, Beura S, Sharma Y, Kar S, Prusty AK (2020) Micropropagation of Cut Flowers: A Review. 3rd International web Conference on ESBCSEM-2020.40-46pp. ISBN: 978-93-89817-38-6.
- Sagar A, Khan W, Sekhar M, Prusty AK, Rout S (2020) Response of Nutrient Levels and Various Planting Methods on Growth and Yield of Pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum ). 3rd International web Conference on ESBCSEM-2020.68-72pp. ISBN: 978-93-89817-38-6.
Professional affiliations:
- Life member of Society of Biotechnology, Dept of Molecular and cellular engineering, SHIATS, Allahabad. Life Membership No-L028.
- Life member of Society of Tropical Forestry Scientist, SFRI, Jabalpur. LM No-71.
- Life member of Medicinal and Aromatic plants association of India, DMAPR (ICAR), Gujarat. LM No-319.
- Life member of The Society for plant protection and environment, Dept of Entomology, OUAT, Bhubaneswar. LM No-158.
- Life member of the Association of Plant science researchers, Dehradun, Uttarakhand. LM: 026.
- Honorary fellow member of Academy for environment and life sciences, Uttar Pradesh, Agra.ID-340.
- Life member of Odisha Botanical Society, Dept. of Botany, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar.
- Life Member of Scientific Association of Young Scholars, (SAYS), Pakistan.
- Life Member of South Asia Management Association, Jabalpur.LM-1318
- Life Member of Society for Advancement of Human and Nature (SADHNA), Dr YS Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni,173230 Himachal Pradesh, India. LM No-1609.
- Life Member of Agri-Mirror Magazine, AIASA LM-SA-AMFI-1
- Member of Teacher Organization in Life sciences.
- Life member of India council form Technical Skill Development LM No-AICTSD/PROFESSOR/21659.
- Life time subscription of Trends in Biosciences Journal ID-TIBS/S/850/2020.
- Life member of Advances in Life sciences LM No-2110-TIBS ALS-G-2020
- Life member of Trends in Biosciences LM No-2110-TIBS-ALS –G-2020.
- Life Membership of AIASA LM NO-1198/2020
- Life Member of International Institute of organized research, India. LM No–I2OR/2020/81
- Life member of Global Academic Society, Lucknow, LM No.-LM-A/GAS/86/2020.
- Life Membership of Bose Science Society, T.N., LM No-M763/BSS/2020.
- Fellow Member of Bose Science Society, T.N., F No-F763/BSS/2020.
- Life member of Society of environment and sustainable development.
- Life member of Socirty for Lerning Technologies, LM No-135/2021
- Awarded 3rd Prize in Poster Presentation, 2nd National seminar on Hitech Horticulture Challenges and Opportunities organized by Department of Applied Plant Science, BBA Central University, Lucknow.
- Awarded International Best researcher Award at IC-RRSSCHT-2017, AIT, Bangkok, Thailand 2nd Dec 2017.
- Awarded Excellence Award at International conference on Advances in Environmental and Agricultural Biotechnology, St Xavier College, (An Autonomous College, Ranchi University) Ranchi, 22nd -24th Feb 2018.
- Awarded Young Scientist Award at 10th International conference on SPID 2018, Dr Bhim Rao Ambedkar College, University of Delhi, Delhi, 17th -18th March 2018.
- Awarded Young Scientist Award at International conference on food and agriculture, held at Dhanbad, Jharkhand, 29th -31th March 2018.
- Awarded Young Ph.D Scholar award at Seminar on Sustainability of agriculture in changing climate scenario, Dept of Botany, University of Allahabad (A Central University) Allahabad, 21-22 April 2018.
- Awarded Academic achiever award at international conference on IC-ECSMBW-2018, Hitkarni College, Jabalpur, 09-10 June 2018.
- Awarded Innovative researcher award at international conference on social entrepreneurship social media business research and academic research, LNCT University, 08-09 Sept 2018.
- Awarded Academic achiever award at international conference on IC-ECSMBW-2018, Hitkarni College, Jabalpur, 09-10 June 2018.
- Awarded best M.Sc. Forestry thesis award at International conference on IC-RASEM-2018, SAGE University, Indore, 29th Sept 2018.
- Awarded best Ph.D. Forestry thesis award at 14TH International conference on Global advancement in Engineering, management, pharmacy, science and humanities, MDGI, Indore, 19th-20th Jan 2019.
- Awarded Young Academician Award at National conference on NCRTNFBASE-2020 St John’s college Agra, UP.
- Awarded Junior Scientist Award in Forestry in National E Symposium on Challenges for Immunity Booster food and Herbal Remedies against COVID-19 Organized by Kalp Laboratories, Mathura and Plant Research and Educational Promotion Society, Dt 27-28 June 2020.
- Awarded Best Ph.D. Thesis Award-2020, at New Trends in Agriculture, Environmental and Biological sciences for Inclusive Development, AEDS-2020, 21-22 June 2020.
- Awarded Emerging Scientist Award by V D Good Technology professional Association, Dt 19-20 Dec 2020.
- Awarded Young Academician Award, by Kalp Lab, International E Conference on EIABSHWAR-2020, , At International E Conference.
- Best Ph.D. Thesis and Innovative Research Award -2020, Plantica, Uttarakhand, 14th Aug 2020.
- Awarded Young scientist Award by Elsevier SSRN, at Vijaywada Dt 20th Dec 2020
What subject you teach at SSU ?
- HAF 305- Introductory Agroforestry, Credit- 2 (1+1)
- Elementary Human Physiology, Credit-3 (2+1)
- IFR 105 – Introduction to Forestry, Credit- 2 (1+1)
- Rout, S. and Nayak, S. 2015. Vegetative propagation of Karanja (Pongamia pinnata L.pierre.) through stem cuttings. Journal of Applied and Natural Science. 7(2):844-850. [NAAS: 5.08].
- Kumar,V., Manjunath, M., Chourasia, S. and Rout,S.2015. Variation in Physical characteristics of pod and seed abortion in Oroxylum indicum L. Beneth.; A potential medicinal plant of Western Ghats, India. Eco. Env. and Conservation.21 (3):1505-1510. [NAAS:5.02].
- Kumar, V., Rout, S., Tak, M.K. and Deepak,K.R.2015.Application of Biotechnology in Forestry: Current status and future perspective. Nature Environment and Pollution Technology.14 (3):645-653. [NAAS:4.94].
- Biswal, D. and Rout,S. 2015. Effect of Moisture content on sound absorption Co-efficient of some Indian timbers. Journal of Plant Development Sciences.7 (10):749-753.[NAAS:2.35].
- Meher, A.K., Biswal, D. and Rout, S. 2016. Utilization of Non Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) by Local People of Nuapada and Boudh Districts, Odisha. Advances in Life Sciences Journal. 5(5):1709-1712. [NAAS:3.56].
- Sahoo, P. K., Nayak, S., Behera, L. K., Rout, S. and Biswal, D. 2016. Influence of storage condition and duration on oil content of Physic-Nut seeds. Multilogic in Science. 4(14):172-176. [NAAS:3.45].
- Sahani, S. Dhupper, R., Kumar, S., Rout, S., Parveen, S. and Patra, S.S. 2016.Vegetation structure and species diversity in rehabilitating degraded landscapes of Rourkela Forest Division. Advances in Life Sciences Journal. 5(18):7469-7482. [NAAS: 3.56].
- Khare, N., Kumar, D. And Rout, S. 2016. Effect of organic manures on growth and yield attributes of soybean under subabul (L. Leucocephala) based agroforestry system. Journal of applied and natural science. 8(4):2219-2223.[NAAS-5.08].
- Tomar, V.S., Rout, S. and Choukesy, S. (2017). Current status of habitat and food resources use by Sarus crane (Grus antigone) in Faridpur thesil under Bareilly district of Uttar Pradesh. Journal of Entomology and Zoology studies. 5(6):2018-2023.[NAAS:5.53].
- Rout, S., Beura, S., Khare, N., Patra, S.S. and Nayak, S. (2017).Effect of seed pre treatment with different concentrations of Gibberellic acid (GA3) on seed germination and seedling growth of Cassia fistula L. Journal of Medicinal plants studies.5(6):135-138.[NAAS:3.53;IF:5.69].
- Rout, S., Khare, N. And Beura, S. (2018). Vegetative propagation of Ashoka (Saraca asoca Roxb. De Wilde) by Stem cuttings. The pharma Innovation Journal. 7(1):486-488.[NAAS:5.03].
- Rout,S. and Nayak,S.2015.Influence of storage condition and Duration on oil content of Pongamia pinnata L. Pierre. Seeds. International Interdisciplinary Research Journal.5(3) Special Issue:139-144.[IF:3.11]
- Rout, S. and Nayak, S.2015.Effect of storage condition and duration on seed germination of Pongamia pinnata L. Pierre. Research Journal of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences.3(4):19-24.[Peer Reviewed]
- Rout, S., Khare, N., Beura, S., Nayak, S. and Patra,S.S.2015. Characterization of Pongamia pinnata L. Pierre-A Review. Journal of Biological Science. 2 (8):1-4. [Peer Reviewed].
- Rout, S. and Nayak, S. 2015.Vegetative propagation of Pongamia Pinnata through Grafting. Journal of International academic research for Multidisciplinary. 3(3): 180-186. [IF: 1.625].
- Rout, S., Khare, N., Nayak, S. and Patra,S.S.2015.Potential source of Biodiesel-Pongamia pinnata: A Review. International Journal of current research in Biosciences and Plant Biology.2 (9):30-32. [IF: 0.417].
- Rout,S., Khare, N., Beura, S., Nayak, S. and Patra, S.S.2015. Characterization of Periwinkle-A Review. International Journal for Agriculture and Research. 1(8):1-3. [Peer Reviewed].
- Rout, S., Beura, S. and Khare, N.2016. Effect of GA3 on seed germination of Delonix regia. Research Journal of Recent Sciences (ISC-2015, Special issue). 5 (ISC-2015):1-3. [Peer Reviewed].
- Rout, S., Beura, S. and Khare, N.(2016). Impact of GA3 seed pre-treatment on Seedling growth in Delonix regia. Journal of recent sciences (IVC 2016 Special issue). 5(11):47-49.[Peer Reviewed].
- Sahani, S. Dhupper, R., Kumar, S., Rout, S., Parveen, S. and Patra, S.S. 2016. Assessing soil fertility status of rehabilitating degraded landscape of Rourkela Forest Division. International Journal of pure and applied Bioscience. 4(5):103-107[IF:5.358].
- Yadav, S.N., Varsha, Dubey, K., Singh, D., Parveen, S. and Rout,S.(2018). Flora study of Vindhya region forest of Mirzapur district at Devrikala. International Journal of applied and pure science and agriculture. 4(1):26-31.[IF:5.29].UGC Approved.
- Rout, S. and Khare, N.(2018). Effect of various surface sterilization on contamination and callus regenerations of Ashoka (Saraca asoca) from leaf segment explants.Int. Jour. Curr. Microbilogy app. Sci.7(7):2027-2033.[NAAS 5.38].
- Humtsoe, C., Khare, N., Rout,S. and Debbarma, R.(2018). Influence of different pre-treatment methods on seed germination and seedling growth performance of Golden shower tree (Cassia fistula L.). Journal of Plant development sciences.10(11):617-621.[NAAS:4.57].
- Thongney, P.L., Khare, N., Rout, S. and Debbarma, R.(2018). Effect of different level of vermi-compost and FYM organic manures on quality parameters of Cucumber intercropped with Citrus based agroforestry system. International Journal of recent scientific research.9 (12A):29847-29850.[IF:7.38] (Scopus Indexed).
- Zimomi, A.H., Kukreja,K., Debbarma,R., Khare, N. and Rout, S.(2019). Comparative study of chemical variants in in vitro and wild grown root extract of Valleriana wallichi DC. International Research Journal of chemistry.24:1-14.[NAAS:4.32].
- Yadav, M., Umrao, R., and Rout, S.(2019). Effects of Organic, Inorganic And Bio-Fertilizers On The Growth of Maize Under Subabul (Leucaena leucocephala) based Agroforestry System. Journal of Plant Development Sciences. 11(4): 189-199.
- Panigrahi, S., Rout, S. and Sahoo, R. K.(2019). Estimation of Tree Species Diversity Inside Centurion University of Technology and Management, Paralakhemundi Campus, By Using Simpsons Diversity Index. Journal of Plant Development Sciences. 11(6) : 353-358.
- Rout, S, Beura, S, Nayak, S and Kar, S(2020). Effect of GA3 Different concentration on seedling growth of Bael. Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Biosciences. (Accepted) [NAAS:4.74].
- Thongney, P., Khare, N., Rout, S. and Debbarma,R.(2020). Effect of Different Level of Vermicompost and FYM Organic Manure on Growth and Yield of Cucumber Intercropped With Citrus Based Agroforestry System. Advances in Bioresearch (Accepted) [NAAS-4.77]
- Imantush, Khare, N., Rout, S and Debrahma, R.(2020).Effect of organic and inorganic fertilizers on growth and yield of Bottle Gourd (Lagenaria siceraria) under Teak based Agroforestry system. Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Biosciences. (Accepted) [NAAS:4.74].
- Rajesh Kumar Sahoo, Saswat Nayak and Sandeep Rout.(2020). Variability in physical properties of Eucalyptus hybrid wood Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Biosciences. (Accepted) [NAAS:4.74].
- Barik, S.R., Mishra, P.J., Nayak, A.K. and Rout, S.2015. Physico-Chemical characteristics of sediments in Downstream of Kathajodi River, Odisha, India. Trends in Biosciences. 8(20):5524-5528. [NAAS-2.74].
- Barik, S.R., Mishra, P.J., Nayak, A.K., Behera,B. and Rout, S.2015.Geochemical studies of sediments in the Downstream of Kathajodi River. The Ecoscan.9(3&4):801-808.[NAAS:5.06].
- Barik, S. R., Mishra, P.J., Nayak, A. K. and Rout, S.2016. Assessment of heavy metals in the surrounding soils and their bioconcentrations in different plants near Kathajodi river, Odisha, India. Journal of Applied and Natural Science. 8 (2): 790 – 803. [NAAS: 5.08].
- Nayak, M., Hossain, M.M. and Rout, S. 2015. Studies on Geochemistry of Sediments in river Kuakhai, Odisha, India. International Journal of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Studies. 2(6):146-152. [IF:1.36].
- Barik, S.R., Mishra, P.J., Nayak, A.K., Behera, B. and Rout, S.2015.Physico-Chemical analysis of Sewage water of Cuttack city discharging in Kathajodi River, Odisha, India. Journal of Environmental Science, Computer Science and Engineering & Technology. Section A: Environmental Science. 4(3):666-672.[SJIF:5.048].
- Nayak, M., Hossain, M.M. and Rout,S.2015.Studies on Bio-concentration of Heavy metals in Plants near River Kuakhai, Odisha, India. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary research Journal.3 (5):222-232. [IF:1.080].
- Parveen, S., Singh, D., Bhorese, R., Rout, S., Khan, M. and Ansari, E. F.2017. Tannery effluent effect on the haematological parameters of freshwater fish, C. punctatus. Journal of applied and natural science. 9(1):201-205.[NAAS-4.84].
- Sahoo,C., Beura,S., Rout,S. and Beura,R.2015.High frequency in vitro cloning of Banana (Musa acuminate) cv. Grande Naine. International Journal of Agriculture, Environment and Biotechnology: 8(4): 943-950. [NAAS:4.10].
- Beura,S., Mohanty,P., Rout,S. and Beura,R.2016. In vitro Clonal propagation of an Ornamental Garden Plant Bauhinia galpinii. Journal of Tropical Forestry. 32(2):71-82 [NAAS:3.20].
- Mishra, M. R., Beura, S., Rout, S., Beura, R. and Jagadev, P.N.2016. In vitro Shoot Proliferation in Commercial Cultivars of Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.). Research in Environment and life Science. 9(12):1467-1470. [NAAS:4.09].
- Parida, S.R., Beura, S., Rout, S., Beura, R. and Jagadev, P.N. 2017. Fast protocol for high frequency in vitro cloning of Banana (Musa acuminate) cv. Grande Naine. Journal of applied and natural science. 9(1):72-79.[NAAS-4.84].
- Beura, S., Sahu, A., Rout, S., Beura, R. and Jagadev, P.N. (2017).Standardization of plant bioregulators for in vitro shoot proliferation of Curcuma longa L. Cv. Roma. Int. Journal of Current Microbiology and applied science. 6(5):386-394. [NAAS:5.38][IF: 4.11].
- Barpanda, S., Beura, S., Rout, S., and Jagadev, P.N. (2017).Studies on in vitro regeneration of Sandalwood (Santalum album Linn) from leaf disc explants. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry. 6(6):892-896.[NAAS:5.21].
- Ghochhayat, A.A., Beura, S and Rout, S.(2020). In Vitro Protocol for Propagation Hybrid Lilium Cv. Fangio. International Journal of Natural Sciences. (Accepted) [WoS].
- Ghochhayat, A.A., Beura, S and Rout, S.(2020). Standardization of In Vitro Regeneration Of Hybrid Lilium Cv. Tresor. Global Journal of Bio-Science and BioTechnology. (Accepted) [NAAS 4.13]
- First position in first class in M.Sc. Forestry (Forest Products) in University [Gold Medal].
- Rastrapati awarded Scout in the Year 2005, Bharat Scouts and Guide, by Honorable President of India Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam.
- Awarded 3rd Prize in Poster Presentation, 2nd National seminar on Hitech Horticulture Challenges and Opportunities organized by Department of Applied Plant Science, BBA Central University, Lucknow.
- Awarded Excellence Award at International conference on Advances in Environmental and Agricultural Biotechnology, St Xavier College, (An Autonomous College, Ranchi University) Ranchi, 22nd -24th Feb 2018.
- Awarded Young Scientist Award at 10th International conference on SPID 2018, Dr Bhim Rao Ambedkar College, University of Delhi, Delhi, 17th -18th March 2018.
- Awarded Young Ph.D Scholar award at Seminar on Sustainability of agriculture in changing climate scenario, Dept of Botany, University of Allahabad (A Central University) Allahabad, 21-22 April 2018.
- Awarded Best Ph.D. Thesis Award-2020, at New Trends in Agriculture, Environmental and Biological sciences for Inclusive Development, AEDS-2020, 21-22 June 2020.
Other Accomplishments
Reviewer/Editorial/Advisory Board of Peer reviewed Journals:
- Associate Editor, Emergent Life sciences Research Journal.[ISSN:2395-6658].[NAAS 4.15]
- Advisory Board Member, International Journal of Nutrition and Agriculture research. ISSN:2393-9540 [IF:0.571]
- Acting as reviewer of American Journal of Plant Biology, Science Publishing group, USA.
- Editorial Board member of International Journal of Advances in Agricultural science and technology.ISSN-2348-1358, IF: 6.05.[NAAS:3.77].
- Acting as reviewer of The Philippine agricultural scientist, Philippines.
- Acting as reviewer of African Journal of Agricultural research. [ISSN: 1991-637X].
- Acting as reviewer of Advances in plant and agriculture research. [ISSN: 2373-6402].
- Acting as reviewer of Journal of Botany and research. [NAAS: 4.08].
- Acting as reviewer of Journal of Agricultural science and research. [NAAS: 4.13].
- Acting as reviewer of International Journal of Plant & Soil Science (ISSN- 2320-7035 [NAAS: 4.77].
- Acting as reviewer of International Journal of International Journal of creative research thoughts. [IF: 5.97, ISSN:2320-2882.
- Acting as reviewer of International Journal of agricultural sciences, Bioinfo publication. [NAAS:4.20].
- Acting as reviewer International Journal of Emerging technologies and Innovative research.ISSN:2349-5162. [IF: 5.87].
- Acting as reviewer International Journal of engineering development and research. ISSN: 2321-9939, UGC Approved [IF:5.67].
- Acting as reviewer of Journal of Food, Nutrition and Agriculture [ISSN: 2616-6550].
- Acting as reviewer of International Journal of Zoology and Applied Biosciences. UGC Approved Journal [ISSN: 2455-9571] (IF:0.916.).
- Editorial Board member of World Journal of Biology and Biotechnology ISSN 2522-6754 (Online), ISSN 2522-6756 (Print). Scientific Association of Young Scholars (SAYS) is an International Society, Pakistan.
- Acting as Advisory Board Member, World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences [ISSN 2454-2229] IF:5.08.
- Acting as Editorial Board Member Asian Journal of Ethno pharmacology and Medicinal Food [ISSN: 2455-4812].
- Acting as Editorial Board Member of International Journal of Zoology and Animal Biology, Med Win Publisher.
- Assistant Editor of International Journal of Botany Studied [LM No-135]. ISSN -2455-541X, IF:5.12.[WoS]
- Editor of Journal of Plant Development Sciences.[ISSN- 0974-6382] [NAAS-4.57].
Conference/ Training Organized
- Committee Member of ICMAS Conference, Organized by CUTM, Odisha.
- Joint Organizing Secretary, in 2nd International E-Conference on EIABSHWAR-2020, Kalp Lab, Mathura, India Dt-25-27 July 2020.
Scientific Society Membership:
- Life member of Society of Biotechnology, Dept of Molecular and cellular engineering, SHIATS, Allahabad. Life Membership No-L028.
- Life member of Society of Tropical Forestry Scientist, SFRI, Jabalpur. LM No-71.
- Life member of Medicinal and Aromatic plants association of India, DMAPR (ICAR), Gujarat. LM No-319. 4.
- Life member of The Society for plant protection and environment, Dept of Entomology, OUAT, Bhubaneswar. LM No-158.
- Life member of the Association of Plant science researchers, Dehradun, Uttarakhand. LM: 026.
- Honorary fellow member of Academy for environment and life sciences, Uttar Pradesh, Agra.ID-340.
- Life member of Odisha Botanical Society, Dept. of Botany, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar.
- Life Member of Scientific Association of Young Scholars, (SAYS), Pakistan.
- Life Member of South Asia Management Association, Jabalpur.LM-1318
- Life Member of Society for Advancement of Human and Nature (SADHNA), Dr YS Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni,173230 Himachal Pradesh, India. LM No-1609.
- Life Member of Agri-Mirror Magazine, AIASA LM-SA-AMFI-1
- Member of Teacher Organization in Life sciences.
- Life member of India council form Technical Skill Development LM No-AICTSD/PROFESSOR/21659.
- Life time subscription of Trends in Biosciences Journal ID-TIBS/S/850/2020.
- Life member of Advances in Life sciences LM No-2110-TIBS ALS-G-2020
- Life member of Trends in Biosciences LM No-2110-TIBS-ALS –G-2020.
- Life Membership of AIASA LM NO-1198/2020
Non Wood Forest Produce, Medicinal and Aromatic plants, Forest tree Propagation, Plant tissue culture.
Teaching interests:
Course Code |
Course Title |
Credit Hours |
Program |
University |
SAF-813 |
Plantation Technology |
3(2+1) |
M.Sc. Forestry |
SHUATS, Prayagraj |
STFB-516 |
Logging and Ergonomics |
3(2+1) |
B.Sc. Forestry |
SHUATS, Prayagraj |
ASIF1201 |
Introduction to Forestry |
2(1+1) |
B.Sc. Agriculture |
CUTM, Paralakhemundi |
ASAH1101 |
Agricultural Heritage |
1(1+0) |
B.Sc. Agriculture |
CUTM, Paralakhemundi |
ASAG3207 |
Farming systems and Organic Farming for Sustainable Agriculture |
3(2+1) |
B.Sc. Agriculture |
CUTM, Paralakhemundi |
HAF 305 |
Introductory Agro-forestry |
2(1+1) |
B.Sc. Horticulture |
Sri Sri University, Cuttack, Odisha |
IFR-105 |
Introduction to Forestry |
2(1+1) |
B.Sc. Ag |
Sri Sri University, Cuttack, Odisha |
PAT 203 |
Post-Harvest Technology of Agricultural crops |
2(1+1) |
B.Sc. Agribusiness |
Sri Sri University, Cuttack, Odisha |
Course Code |
Course Title |
Credit Hours |
Program |
University |
SAF-813 |
Plantation Technology |
3(2+1) |
M.Sc. Forestry |
SHUATS, Prayagraj |
STFB-516 |
Logging and Ergonomics |
3(2+1) |
B.Sc. Forestry |
SHUATS, Prayagraj |
ASIF1201 |
Introduction to Forestry |
2(1+1) |
B.Sc. Agriculture |
CUTM, Paralakhemundi |
ASAH1101 |
Agricultural Heritage |
1(1+0) |
B.Sc. Agriculture |
CUTM, Paralakhemundi |
ASAG3207 |
Farming systems and Organic Farming for Sustainable Agriculture |
3(2+1) |
B.Sc. Agriculture |
CUTM, Paralakhemundi |
HAF 305 |
Introductory Agro-forestry |
2(1+1) |
B.Sc. Horticulture |
Sri Sri University, Cuttack, Odisha |
IFR-105 |
Introduction to Forestry |
2(1+1) |
B.Sc. Ag |
Sri Sri University, Cuttack, Odisha |
PAT 203 |
Post-Harvest Technology of Agricultural crops |
2(1+1) |
B.Sc. Agribusiness |
Sri Sri University, Cuttack, Odisha |