Dr. Soumyaranjan Mohapatra

Dr. Soumyaranjan Mohapatra
Assistant Professor
- Postdoc fellow (PDF) : NISER, Bhubaneswar, Odisha
- Ph. D. (Physics) : National Institute of Technology Rourkela, Odisha
- M.Sc (Physics) : Berhampur University, Berhampur, Odisha
- B.Sc. (Physics) : Ravenshaw University, Cuttack, Odisha
What subject you teach at SSU ?
Mechanics, Thermal Physics, Mathematical Physics
Multiferroics, Magnetoelectric coupling, Low temperature magnetism
- SCI Journals
1. Exploring weak ferromagnetism and conduction mechanism in the layered oxide BiPbSr2MnO6 S. R. Mohapatra, B. Sahu, G. Behera, S. D. Kaushik, and A. K. Singh; Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics (Accepted, 2020). 2. Neutron diffraction and short range ordering study in multiferroic Bi2Fe4O9 S. R. Mohapatra, A. K. Singh, Preeti Khare, Nirmal Ganguli, A. Wildes, V. Siruguri, S. D. Kaushik; Materials Research Express 6, 066107 (2019). 3. Structural, magnetic and magnetodielectric study in the layered oxide BiPbSr2MnO6 S. R. Mohapatra, B. Sahu, S. D. Kaushik, and A. K. Singh; Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 29, 19985-19993 (2018). 4. Enhanced antiferromagnetic transition and magnetodielectric study in Cobalt and Holmium co-substituted multiferroic Bi2Fe4O9 S. R. Mohapatra, S. D. Kaushik, and A. K. Singh; Materials Research Express 5, 016107 (2018). 5. Effect of Holmium substitution on the magnetic and magnetodielectric properties of multiferroic Bi2Fe4O9 S. R. Mohapatra, P. N. Vishwakarma, S. D. Kaushik, and A. K. Singh; Journal of Applied Physics 122, 134103 (2017). 6. Cobalt substitution induced magnetodielectric enhancement in multiferroic Bi2Fe4O9 S. R. Mohapatra, P. N. Vishwakarma, S. D. Kaushik, R. J. Choudhary, N. Mohapatra, and A. K. Singh; Journal of Applied Physics 121, 124101 (2017). 7. Unequivocal evidence of enhanced magnetodielectric coupling in Gd3+ substituted multiferroic Bi2Fe4O9 S. R. Mohapatra, A. Swain, C. S. Yadav, S. D. Kaushik, and A. K. Singh; RSC Advances 6, 112282-112291 (2016). 8. Effect of cobalt substitution on structural, impedance, ferroelectric and magnetic properties of multiferroic Bi2Fe4O9 ceramics S. R. Mohapatra, B. Sahu, M. Chandrasekhar, P. Kumar, S. D. Kaushik, and A. K. Singh; Ceramics International 42, 12352–12360 (2016). 9. Optical, dielectric relaxation and conduction study of Bi2Fe4O9 ceramic S. R. Mohapatra, B. Sahu, T. Badapanda, M. S. Pattanaik, S. D. Kaushik, and A. K. Singh; Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 27, 3645-3652 (2015). 10. Dielectric anomalies and robust magnetodielectricity in Y-type Ba2Mg2Fe12O22 hexaferrite Md. F. Abdullah, P. Pal, S. Lal, S. R. Mohapatra, K. Chandrakanta, S. D. Kaushik, C. S. Yadav and A. K. Singh; Materials Research Express 5, 116101 (2018). 11. Effect of Ba2+ substitution on the structural and electrical properties of SrBi4Ti4O15 P. Nayak, S. R. Mohapatra, P. Kumar, and S. Panigrahi; Ceramics International 41, 9361-9372 (2015). 12. Investigating the effect of multiple grain–grain interfaces on electric transport behaviour of [50 wt% BaFe12O19–50 wt% Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3] magnetoelectric nanocomposite system R. Pattanayak, S. Raut, T. Dash, S. R. Mohapatra, Rakesh Muduli, and S. Panigrahi; Physica B: Condensed Matter 512, 16-25 (2017). 13. Effects of CNTs blending on the Superconducting Parameters of YBCO Superconductor B. Sahoo, S. R. Mohapatra, A.K. Singh, D Samal, Dhrubananda Behera; Ceramics International 45, 7709-7716 (2019). 14. Studies of magnetic phase transitions in orthorhombic DyMnO3 ceramics prepared by acrylamide polymer gel template method K. Bhoi, S. R. Mohapatra, D. Singh, P. Babu, P. N. Vishwakarma, T. Dam, Manju Mishra Patidar, V. Siruguri, A. K. Singh; Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 480, 138-149 (2019). 15. Evidence of room temperature magnetodielectric effect in brownmillerite KBiFe2O5 through magnetic, complex dielectric and impedance study K. Chandrakanta, P. Pal, Md. F. Abdullah, S. R. Mohapatra, S. D. Kaushik, A. K. Singh; Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics (Accepted, 2020).
- Conference Proceedings
1. Evidence of Magneto-Dielectric Coupling at Room Temperature in Polycrystalline KBiFe2O5 K. Chandrakanta, P. Pal, Md. F. Abdullah, S. Patel, R. Jena, S. R. Mohapatra, S. D. Kaushik, A. K. Singh; AIP Conference Proceedings 2115, 030501 (2019). 2. Structural, magnetic and dielectric properties of Dy0.95Gd0.05MnO3 prepared by acrylamide polymer gel template method K. Bhoi, T. Dam, S. R. Mohapatra, A. K. Singh, P. N. Vishwakarma, P. D. Babu, V. Siruguri, Dillip K. Pradhan; AIP Conference Proceedings 2115, 030500 (2019). 3. Structural, dielectric and magnetic studies of Mn doped Y-type barium hexaferrite (Ba2Mg2Fe12O22) Md. F. Abdullah, P. Pal, S. R. Mohapatra, C. S. Yadav, S. D. Kaushik, and A. K. Singh; AIP Conference Proceedings 1942, 130037 (2018). 4. Effect of Zr doping on structural, dielectric and magnetic properties of Fe2TeO6 P. Pal, Md. F. Abdullah, S. R. Mohapatra, S. D. Kaushik, and A. K. Singh; AIP Conference Proceedings 1942, 130039 (2018). 5. Enhanced magnetodielectricity in Gd3+ substituted Bi2Fe4O9 ceramics; S. R. Mohapatra, C. S. Yadav, S. D. Kaushik, A. K. Singh; AIP Conference Proceedings 1832, 140019 (2017). 6. Evidence of magnetoelectric coupling in Bi2(1-x)Ho2xFe4O9 (x= 0, 0.01) multiferroic ceramics S. R. Mohapatra, A. K. Singh, S. D. Kaushik; IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 178, 012023 (2017). 7. Structural, dielectric and magnetic studies of Fe2TeO6 and Fe2Te0.96Nb0.04O6 ceramics P. Pal, S. R. Mohapatra, S. D. Kaushik, A. K. Singh; AIP Conference Proceedings 1832, 140026 (2017). 8. Enhanced dielectric, impedance and magnetic characteristics of Co doped multiferroic Bi2Fe4O9 S. R. Mohapatra, B. Sahu, S. D. Kaushik, and A. K. Singh, AIP Conference Proceedings 1731, 110035 (2016). 9. Studying dielectric mechanism and magnetization of double perovskite Gd2NiMnO6 S. R. Mohapatra, B. Sahu, S. D. Kaushik, and A. K. Singh, AIP Conference Proceedings 1731, 130043 (2016). 10. Structural, dielectric and magnetic studies of magnetoelectric trirutile Fe2TeO6 S. D. Kaushik, B. Sahu, S. R. Mohapatra, and A. K. Singh, AIP Conference Proceedings 1731, 130037 (2016). 11. Structural, dielectric and magnetic studies on BiPbSr2MnO6 B. Sahu, S. R. Mohapatra, S. D. Kaushik, and A. K. Singh, AIP Conference Proceedings 1665, 140043 (2015). 12. Effect of Co doping on structural, optical, magnetic, dielectric properties of Bi2Fe4O9 S. R. Mohapatra, B. Sahu, S. D. Kaushik, and A. K. Singh; AIP Conference Proceedings 1665, 140034 (2015). 13. Investigation on structural, optical and magnetic properties of double perovskite Gd2NiMnO6 S. R. Mohapatra, B. Sahu, S. D. Kaushik, and A. K. Singh; AIP Conference Proceedings 1665, 140032 (2015).