Dr. Subash Chandra Nath

Associate Dean (Research & Development)
Teaching, Research and Academic Administration
Other Accomplishments
– Research is motivated by what I see as the fragmented state of model-theoretic semantics. Basically, my research focuses on the scope and relevance of Digital Marketing/Online Marketing, Consumer Behaviour, Marketing of Services and Strategic Management. I have started my research experience with an intention to help my Ph.D. research, but later on, I enjoyed the crème of it and made myself emerged in the compound of it.
Subject Expertise
Teaching: 15 Years
Industry: 3 Years
Research: 12 Years
More than 15 years of corporate and academic exposure. My areas of interest rely on Marketing Management, Consumer Behavior, Services Marketing, Strategic Management and Product & Brand Management. My research interests include, General Management, Service Marketing & Consumer Behaviour. As on date, 19 research papers in leading national and international journals and 2 books in the area of Marketing and General Management are in my credit. I have also reviewed 4 books in the area of marketing and have also presented research papers in national and international conferences. I am a life member to All Odisha Commerce Association, ACBSP Accredited Teacher. During my twelve and half years of teaching career, I have attended 18 AICTE sponsored FDP programs of more than a week, 8 short-term FDPs and MDPs, One Refresher Course by UGC, One Orientation Courses by UGC and 8 workshops in my areas of interest. Many of them were being organized by IITs, IIMs and Institutions/Universities of repute.
– M.Sc.
– Ph.D. (Utkal)
More than 18 years of corporate and academic exposure.
– Areas of interest rely on Marketing Management, Consumer Behavior, Services Marketing, Sales & Distribution Management, Strategic Management and Product & Brand Management.
– Research interests include General Management, Service Marketing & Consumer Behaviour.
– 27 research papers in leading national and international journals and 3 books in the area of Marketing and General Management are in my credit.
– Reviewed 5 books in the area of marketing and have also presented research papers in national and international conferences.
– Life member to All Odisha Commerce Association, ACBSP Accredited Teacher.
– 16 years of teaching career
– Attended 18 AICTE sponsored FDP programs of more than a week, 8 short-term FDPs and MDPs, One Refresher Course by UGC, One Orientation Courses by UGC and 8 workshops in my areas of interest. Many of them were being organized by IITs, IIMs and Institutions/Universities of repute.