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Dr. Susanta Das

Assistant Professor

Department of Physics & Mathematics

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  •  Department Graduate Research and Creative Scholar Award, WMU, 2009. 
  • Best Presentation Award, Young Scientist Forum, 17th International Workshop on Inelastic Ion-Surface Collisions (IISC – 17), France, 2008. 
  • Graduate College Travel Fund, WMU, 2009 & 2007. 
  • Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE), conducted by IIT-Kharagpur, India, 2000.

Other Accomplishments

  • Science Academies’ Summer Research Fellowship – 2017, National Physical Laboratory (NPL), New Delhi, May-July, 2017.
  • University Grants Commission-Faculty Recharge Programme (UGC-FRP), UGC, India, 2014 –August 2018.
  • Marie-Curie Post-doctoral (Experienced Researcher) Fellow within the DITANET (Diagnostic Techniques for future particle Accelerators – a Marie-Curie initial training NETwork), Manne Siegbahn Laboratory, Department of Physics, Stockholm University, August 2009-July 2011.
  • Gwen Frostic Doctoral Fellowship, WMU, 2008 – 2009.
  • Leo R. Parpart Doctoral Fellowship, Dept. of Physics, WMU, 2008. Post-doctoral research experience/Employment history:

1. UGC-Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Central University of South Bihar, Gaya, Bihar, India, June 2014 – July 2018.

2. Post-doctoral Fellow, The University of Electro-Communications (UEC), Tokyo, Japan, May 2012 – May 2014.

3. Project-Scientist – B, Indian Institute of Science Education & Research (IISER)-Kolkata, W.B., India, August 2011 – April 2012.

4. Marie-Curie Post-doctoral Fellow, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden, August 2009 – July 2011.


  • Ph.D. Physics, Western Michigan University, USA.
  • M.A. Physics, Western Michigan University, USA.
  • M.Sc. Physics, Banaras Hindu University, India.
  • B.Sc. Physics (Hons.), The University of Burdwan, India.


Nanotechnology, ion-surface interactions, beam diagnostics, physics education


  • Study of Interactions of Slow Highly Charged Bismuth Ions with ZnO Nanorods, S. Das, H. Ohashi, and N. Nakamura, Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals 69 (5), 1087 (2016).
  • Spatial resolution test of a beam profile monitoring system for the double electrostatic ion storage ring, S. Das and A. Källberg, Acta Physica Polonica A 125, No. 1, 13 (2014). 
  • Temporal evolution of electron transmission through insulating PET nanocapillaries, B.S. Dassanayake, D. Keerthisinghe, S. Wickramarachchi, A. Ayyad, S. Das, N. Stolterfoht, and J.A. Tanis, Nuclear Instruments and Methods Physics Research Section B 298, 1 (2013). 
  • DESIREE: a unique cryogenic electrostatic storage ring for merged ion-beams studies, R.D. Thomas, H.T. Schmidt, G. Andler, M. Björkhage, M. Blom, L. Brännholm, E. Bäckström, H. Danared, S. Das, N. Haag, P. Halldén, F. Hellberg, A.I.S. Holm, H.A.B. Johansson, A. Källberg, G. Källersjö, M. Larsson, S. Leontein, L. Liljeby, P. Löfgren, B. Malm, S. Mannervik, D. Misra, A. Orbán, A. Paál, P. Reinhed, K.-G.Rensfelt, S. Rosén, F. Seitz, K. Schmidt, A. Simonsson, J. Weimer, H. Zettergren, and H. Cederquist, Review of Scientific Instruments 82, 065112 (2011).
  • Time evolution of electron transmission through a single glass macrocapillary: charge build-up, sudden discharge, and recovery, B.S. Dassanayake, R.J. Bereczky, S. Das, K. Tokesi, and J.A. Tanis, Physical Review A 83, 012707 (2011). 
  • Electron transmission through a single glass macro capillary: Dependence on energy and time, B.S. Dassanayake, S. Das, and J.A. Tanis, Physica Scripta T144, 014041 (2011). 
  • Energy dependence of electron transmission through a single glass macrocapillary, B.S. Dassanayake, S. Das, R.J. Bereczky, K. Tokesi, and J.A. Tanis, Physical Review A (Rapid Communication) 81, 020701 (R) (2010). 
  • Charge evolution and energy loss associated with electron transmission through a macroscopic single glass capillary, B.S. Dassanayake, S. Das, A. Ayyad, R.J. Bereczky, K. Tokesi, and J.A. Tanis, Nuclear Instruments and Methods Physics Research Section B 269, 1243 (2010).
  • Inelastic processes associated with electron guiding through insulating PET, S. Das, B.S. Dassanayake, J.A. Tanis, and N. Stolterfoht, Revista Mexicana de Física S56 (2), 66 (2010). 
  • Guiding of electrons through insulating PET nanocapillaries, B.S. Dassanayake, S. Das, J.A. Tanis, and N. Stolterfoht, Revista Mexicana de Física S56 (2), 71 (2010). 
  • Interferences in Electron Emission from O2 by 30 MeV O5,8+ Impact, M. Winkworth, P. D. Fainstein, M. E. Galassi, J. Baran, B.S. Dassanayake, S. Das, A. Kayani, and J.A. Tanis, Nuclear Instruments and Methods Physics Research Section B 267, 373 (2009). 
  • Suppression of Primary Electron Interferences in the Ionization of N2 by 1-5 MeV/u Protons, J.L. Baran, S. Das, F. Járai-Szabo, K. Póra, L. Nagy, and J.A. Tanis, Physical Review A 78, 012710 (2008).
  • Inelastic guiding of electrons in polymer nanocapillaries, S. Das, B.S. Dassanayake, M. Winkwoth, J.L. Baran, N. Stolterfoht, and J.A. Tanis, Physical Review A76, 042716 (2007) [Also published in ORGANIC-INORGANIC HYBRID NANOSTRUCTURES section of the Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science and Technology, Vol. 16, Issue 20 (2007)].
  • Application of laser-matter interaction for generation of small-sized materials, A. Khare, K. Alti, S. Das, A.S. Patra, and M. Sharma, Radiation Physics and Chemistry 70, 553 (2004).