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Ms. Bidusi Tripathy

Ms. Bidusi Tripathy

Assistant Professor

Department of Agronomy


  • ICAR-NET 2020
  • M.Sc.Agronomy, UBKV, W.B. Year- (2019)
  • B.Sc.Agriculture, Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, Pin-751003, Year- 2017

Broad Current Research Interest: Up to 3-4 thematic areas:

  • Nutrient management in crop plants
  • Cropping system Research
  • Crop diversification
  • Weed management

Teaching interests:

AGR-103 Crop production Technology- I 2(1+1)
AGR-109 Geo- informatics and Nano-technology 2(1+1)
HWM-203 Weed management in Horticultural crops 2(1+1)
AGR 104 Crop Production Technology-II (Rabi crops) 2(1+1)
AGR 107 Practical Crop Production-II (Rabi crops) 2(0+2)
AGR-203 Modern Farming Techniques and sustainable Agriculture (1+1)
AGR-103 Crop production Technology- I 2(1+1)
AGR-109 Geo- informatics and Nano-technology 2(1+1)
HWM-203 Weed management in Horticultural crops 2(1+1)
AGR 104 Crop Production Technology-II (Rabi crops) 2(1+1)
AGR 107 Practical Crop Production-II (Rabi crops) 2(0+2)
AGR-203 Modern Farming Techniques and sustainable Agriculture (1+1)


  • Selected through JNV Entrance Test by Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti from 2005-2012
  • Post Metric Scholarship by Govt of Odisha from 2013-17
  • NTS- Schoralship by ICAR from 2017-19

Academic positions: Previous academic positions held, duration, affiliating organization:

 Assistant Professor, GIET University, 1Yr

NAAS/Care Journals:

Tripathy B,Mitra B., Singha roy AK (2020) Influence of dates of sowing on phenology, growth, and yield of diverse wheat varieties under changing climate in eastern sub-Himalayan Indian plains. Journal of Cereal Research 12(1):69-73

Book Chapters:

  • Akhila M, Sindhu VG, M Santhoshand Tripathy B (2020) Green Fodder Production Under Hydroponics Condition. In Chandra V. et al, Emerging Technologies in Agriculture, Livestock and Climate: pp 60-75
  • Rout S , Khare N , Nayak S , Beura S , Pradhan K, Kar S,  Panigrahi S,  Prusty AK, Tripathy B (2020) Vegetative propagation of Acacia nilotica L. In Beura S et al, An Overview In Recent Trends in Propagation of Forest and Horticultural Crops: pp 437-445

Participation in symposia/conferences/workshops:


  • Oral presentation on “Enhancing the water use efficiency and water productivity through mulching under different crop establishment techniques in wheat” in the National Seminar entitled “Rainfed Agriculture: Strategies for a Sustainable Farm Economy” organized by School of Agriculture, GIET University, Gunupur.
  • Published extended summary on “Effect of organic bionutrient fertilisers on productivity of direct seeded puddle rice” ” in the National Seminar entitled “Rainfed Agriculture: Strategies for a Sustainable Farm Economy” organized by School of Agriculture, GIET University, Gunupur.
  • Published abstract on “Efficacy of Radiation Interception in Biomass Production in Rainfed Kharif Paddy under Organic Agriculture in Inceptisol” as co-author in the National Seminar entitled “Rainfed Agriculture: Strategies for a Sustainable Farm Economy” organized by School of Agriculture, GIET University, Gunupur.
  • Published abstract on “Improving Nutrient use efficiency a tool for sustainable soil management” in 3rd National Conference on promoting and reinvigorating agri-horti, technological innovations(PRAGATI-2019).
  • Participated in Five Day Workshop on “Modern Methodologies in Statistical Data Analysis for Agricultural Research” conducted by University Of Agricultural Sciences, Raichur & ICAR -National Agricultural Higher Education Project, New Delhi. 


  • Participated in International Conference on “Advancement of Biotechnology in Health Care Bioproducts and Envorimental Research (CABHBE-19)”  and published three abstracts as first, second and third author which was organished by Dept. of Biotechnology ,GIET University, Gunupur.

Other professional contribution: Identify important scholarly activities:

Webinars attended:

  • Participated in “National Webinar on Immuno – Nutrition”, Organised by AICRP on Women in Agriculture, Directorate of Research (Agri.), Assam Agricultural University”
  • Attended webinar on “Economics of Farm Operations”, organized by the School of Engineering, RK University, Rajkot
  • Participated in International Webinar on “ An Overview of Climate Change Assessment: Global to Regional” Organised by GIET, Bhubaneswar in association with Climate Research, Singapore, Centre for Atmospheric Science, IIT, Delhi
  • Attended Webinar on “Desert locust, Scistocerca gregaria, and its management” for the course Integrated Pest Management (IPM) through agMOOCs.
  • Participated in National Webinar on ” Carbon emissions reduction during COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on the climate”   organized by GIET, Bhubaneswar
  • Participated in National Webinar on “Impact of Climate Change and Invasive Alien Species on Agriculture” organized by Department of Entomology, S. V. Agricultural College, Tirupati, ANGRAU on 26th February 2021
  • Participated inNational Webinar on “Microbial Technologies for Sustainable Agriculture and Climate Change Mitigation” held on 07th July, 2021 organized by All India Network Project on Soil Biodiversity & Biofertilizers, Department of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Directorate of Research, Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and Technology, Udaipur (Rajasthan).
  • Participated in the webinar organised by Odisha University of Agriculture and Technology On “Biofuels: Recent Trends and Future Scope in Odisha” On the occasion of WORLD BIOFUEL DAY, 10th Aug, 2021

FDPs attended /Refresher courses :

  • Course on “Conservation agriculture based sustainable intensification” through agMOOCs.
  • Course on “Integrated pest management” through agMOOCs.
  • Course on “Application of Geoinformatics in Ecological Studies” through IIRS- Outreaching program.(July 2020)
  • Course on “Designing E- Learning content” through ICAR- NAARM.(July 2020)
  • Course on Remote sensing in agricultural water management through IIRS- Outreaching program(July 2020)
  • Course onIrrigation and drainage through NPTEL (Online certification)(Oct-Dec 2020)
  • Course onOrganic farming for sustainable agriculture through NPTEL (Online certification) (Oct-Dec 2020)
  • Participated in Faculty Development Program on Blended Learning & LMS, conducted by Prof. Ajay Kumar Singh & Mr. Jayakar Sodagiri, Sri Sri University on 20th June 2021.
  • Participated in Faculty Development Programme on “Academic Integrity for Academia” hosted by Mr.Radhakrishnan Subramaniam, Senior Lecturer, University of Technology and Applied Sciences, Nizwa, Sultanate of Oman organised by the Department of Commerce with Information Technology, Dr. SNS Rajalakshmi College of Arts and Science on 15.06.2021

Other Accomplishments:

Pulished research paper in journal of cereal research in 2020,June publication.

What subject you teach at SSU ?



Qualified ICAR-NEt 2019-20


Cooking and Poem writing