Prof. Santa Misra
Prof. Santa Misra
M.Phil, Ph.D. & D.Litt in Psychology
Chief Editor of journal: “Odisha Journal of Social Science” (A peer reviewed, Self-financing, Bi- Annual Journal, ISSN 2321 – 3493)
Other Accomplishments
What subject you teach at SSU ?
Researches and publications
- Published papers in 28 national and 38 international journals.
- Published Eleven books and one monograph
- Completed five projects under UGC, SPB University Russia and others Ph.D
- Guidance – 8
- Attended 67 National Seminars and 18 International Seminars ( In Russia,10-14 .April, 2011, In Japan, April 10 – 14 2012, In France, 15th – 19th July, 2014, In USA, 3-6 March,2016, In Malaysia, 10th – 12th October 2016, In ICUTM, Odisha, India, 2nd and 3rd February, 2017, and In Rome 20th & 21st May,2019)
- Professional Membership: at National level: Life Member of: Orissa Psychology Association (OPA )
- National Academy Of Psychology (NAOP): NAOP association code is: QpsXuLrKsPSliVG3ZLmrjmwVhzJSkYMC6fgfRjM61S4
- Indian Psychology Institute (IPI) 21, august, 2008
- The Indian Science Congress Association: L 28487
At International level:
- Member of the E- journal AntiMatters (30th Aug 2008).
- Got an offer in BIOCYBURNOUT (The Brain Wave Training Programs) on 15th August, 2008, by Biocybernaut Institute of Canada, Ltd. Dr.JamesV.Hardt”
- Research Journal of Arts, Management & Social Science, ISSN 0975-4083, A National Registered Reviewed Research Journal, Indexed & Listed at: Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory ©, ProQuest, U.S.A ,(2011) .
- Board Member of World Gerontology Renaissance, Japan (2009).
- World Peace Technology, Founder Prof. FaniBhusan Das, Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India: Co-founder Ms Chloe Joquel, Oceanside, California, U.S.A.(2007).
- Life Member of IACCP (Registration on 02,12,3012 ).
- Life member of IASE, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. 2012.
- Core Committee member Association of Gerontology in Higher Education (AGHE), USA, 4th March ,2016.
- Core Committee Member Global Clinical Psychologist, USA, 4th March, 2016.
- Member of editorial board – Journal of Clinical and Experimental Psychology OMICS International, Journal of Aging and Geriatric Psychiatry and Psychology & Psychological Research International.
- Outstanding Experience
- Invited Speaker in Conference on “factors challenging to aging with a disability”, St. Petersburg state university, Russia, 11th April 2011& also in IASSID ( international association for scientific study of intellectual disability) , Russia, on 12th April , 2011.
- Invited Speaker in 5th Round Table Meeting of “International Gerontology Synthesis, meeting, 14th April, 2012, Tochigi Prefectural Culture Center, Utsunomiya city, Tochigi, Japan. Theme: “Youth is a Gift Age is an ART: from one way teaching to collaborative learning “ Topic was “Silver Citizens are wealth to mankind” (www.
- Key Note Speaker in Global Clinical Psychologists, USA, annual meeting, from 10th to 12th October, 2016, at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- Key Note Speaker In International conference on “Psychiatry and psychological disorder” at Rome ,on 20th May,2019,topic entitled” Neuro Scientific analysis of Communication disorders in silver citizens”
- Key Note Speaker In International conference on “Psychiatry and psychological disorder” at Rome on 21st May, 2019, topic entitled” Life style, mental health, illness, healthy living and yogic meditation: a preventive comprehension of personality type”, with prof. Nibedita jena, at Rome.
- Started works for opening the courses on Gerontology in +2 and +3 classes, approved by World Gerontology Board, in 5th round Table Meeting at Japan, on April 14th, 2012.