SDG 14.5.1
Maintaining a Local Ecosystem
Minimizing alteration of aquatic ecosystems (plan) Have the plan to minimise physical, chemical and biological alterations of related aquatic ecosystems
Plate 14.5.1 (a), (b) Wetland adjacent to Sri Sri University
- Wetland is located on the Sri Sri University campus and its vicinity is totally protected. No construction and other activities lead to adverse impacts on wetland fauna and water quality. The wetland patch and Main University is divided by a retaining wall.
- The retaining wall is also used to prevent the outfall of waste in the wetland. The excavated muck as a result of construction activities, if any, is necessarily avoided dumping. The muck is used for the purpose of agricultural and horticultural activities after the treatment. Therefore, there is no possibility of the soil getting washed away in the wetland during the rainy season.
Sri Sri University takes care of the shared wetlands and keeps them intact from the developing activities, also the university has developed a mid-height boundary wall for ensuring no disturbance to the wetland ecosystem and its biodiversity. Students and other individuals are not allowed to enter or perform any activity near wetlands for maintaining the natural environment nearby wetlands. No artificial lighting or electrification is done on the wetlands side for protecting the natural environment. Drainage, and waste dumping site is selected accordingly for the conservation of the existing wetland ecosystem.