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Sri Sri Center for
Global Financial Studies

Sri Sri Center for Global Financial Studies

The Sri Sri centre for Global Financial Studies aims to develop a data-driven analytic mindset along with skills in both traditional areas and also in emerging areas of Global Finance. The Centre will have a database on the economy and corporates which will help students and faculties to have updated knowledge on financial developments. The Centre will offer the facilities to conduct research in emerging areas like integrated reporting, ESG/Sustainable Finance, financial integration, behavioral finance, financial technologies like blockchain, etc. The Centre aims to include meaningful world experiences for learners, develop collaborative faculty research to generate new knowledge about the pressing challenges in emerging economies and connect leaders to form peer networks for developing innovative programs.


To develop a knowledge base in the areas of core finance, macroeconomics for the financial market, risk, governance, sustainability finance, financial inclusion, etc. and to provide a platform for collaboration with experts from industry and academia.


To be a Centre of excellence and knowledge hub in the area of finance

Focus areas:

  • To set up SSU FINANCE LAB in collaboration with NSE SMART Lab – (In collaboration with NSE Academy Ltd). This trading simulator will have facilities of mock trading in equity, derivatives, and currency market.
  • To study and conduct research in the emerging areas of finance- ESG finance, financial inclusion, Fintech, Blockchain, etc.
  • To offer short-term programs, and courses in the area of finance, accounts, financial modeling, capital market, financial analysis, etc.
  • To undertake consulting activities to address the issues of Corporate & Policymaking.
  • To conduct regular seminars/webinars/workshops to keep updated with developments in finance.