Apr 23, 2019
By : Gunjankumar Panda – Student, B.A. (Hons) English

The clock struck eight.
The morning arrived with tea.
The gossiping birds weaved my ears
murdering my sweet doze.
I still not woke up.
“Wake up you idiot” daunted my mother.
I stood at once with quaking sights.
I drained the hot offered tea
and wondered with crushing eyes,
what demands my awakening
so early!
When the nation is still asleep
amid the darkest night of fantasies.
The nation is still asleep
in the sweetest lap of
most rowdy and disgusting modernity…
Hiss…don’t disturb,
the youth is still watching
the unreachable dreams,
permuting themselves to lively corpses.
The nation is still asleep
even after discovering herself
amid the deepest ocean of gloom and plight.
Hiss…don’t disturb,
the youth is still watching
the unreachable dreams
permuting themselves to lively corpses.
Will my nation
ever sight new dawn??
Will, she ever ferry the
long ocean of idiotic modernity?
But alas!
The youth
is still unawakened and watches the same unreachable dreams…
I freshend up my face
with droplets of tears
and went to bed again
for a long sleep.
I awaited for a new dawn
which I believed was yet to come,
Yet to arrive!
“Wake up you idiot”
daunted my soul.
“You are too a youth and
You are yourself asleep”.
Pity crayoned my heart
and a deep tranquillity
overpowered me.
I stood at once with all freshness
and fresh radiant sights.
Yes, I was late,
I missed my school.
I struggled to look
into the burning eyes of my mother.
Don’t worry, I tolerated
I didn’t forget to pen an account
to awaken my brothers and sisters soon
as I believed,
the time was not yet to come, but had
already arrived and just we need a start.
The new, radiant and jubilant dawn
is in the verge
of a golden and historic rise.