Concourse 2017: An Experience by Amar Krishna Jha
Nov 09, 2017
By: Student Contributor, University Blog Team

I was invited at Sri Sri University for the 4th National marketing conclave on “Digital Push to marketing…Now or Never.”
From the time I landed at Bhubaneswar airport, the hospitality extended till they dropped me back will beat even the best in the hospitality industry. (Indigo should send their employees at Sri Sri though I had a great flight landed 20 mins earlier at Kolkata )
Reached campus around 10 and had the no masala pure veg dinner.
If you have seen my last video you already know Sri Sri University is the only place I like and look forward to eat veg food.
Before going to bed I was asked if I would like to go around for a walk early morning in beautiful green serene 188acre campus and only a moron can say NO to this.
6:30 sharp( as decided) I get a knock on my door and we went for the walk.
Met Nadir (Heads Engineering at BookMyShow) over breakfast along with Deepankar, Co-Founder Stellar Grid and Alumnus Sri Sri University.
Some great chit chats on what is BookMyshow working on, what failed what worked. How they had 3 failed websites before BookMyShow was born and the journey since then.
Deepankar shared his early days struggle with positioning and how he finally got it right after playing around with few and understanding what exactly is that customer wants and understands clearly for taking an action.
Met Anshuman (GM -AIRCEL) who is breaking his head these days to get millennials and he does a wonderful job. Hola bro!
We all discussed and couldn’t agree more that to have a successful entrepreneurial venture today you need impeccable marketing in this competitive and crowded market which is filled with lot of noise.

Some great speech by all dignitaries and then the presentations started.
I was awestruck because everything was beyond my expectations the Content, presentation skills, managing the show when Internet ditched …
I have come back more knowledgeable on topic and picked few skills from these future leaders.
This was followed by a fantastic panel discussion moderated by a learned and skilled marketing Professor Mr. Sandeep, and boy what a storyteller he is.
So So bored of panel discussions that I watch on TV this was indeed very refreshing and I couldn’t stop but think why can’t we bring Arnab here for a day 🙂
Topic was “Digital security and Privacy” something we all should worry about and be aware of.
Prize distribution and thank you note was again fun, it has to be when a learned man like Dr. David Prasanna relates Shakespeare’s quotes to marketing principles.
Probably the best organised event I have been part of in recent times. Kudos to all who were part of this. Great job! It was a pleasure and honour to be part of this marketing conclave and I would like to thank you Sri Sri University for the invite.
I hope I did justice to the event with whatever little I could share on #Digital and hopefully added value.
I am also sure the institute will continue to advance the cause of management development by regularly holding such conclaves and conferences.
They are coming up with ‘Happiness at Workplace’ on 14-15 Dec where Guru Ji will also be present. Details are on website.
[ The whole campus is active on Twitter mostly and that’s where all the actions are captured. If interested go through #Concourse2017 ]