Seven Skills You Develop from an Entrepreneurship Program
Mar 13, 2019
By: Student Contributor, University Blog Team

When you step out of your classrooms and get into a corporate set-up, the transition is nerve-wrecking for many. Most often, you might find yourself clueless as education in most business schools is too theoretical. The skills that an entrepreneurship education instills is crucial for one and all. Here we will list seven skills you develop from an entrepreneurship program:
- Critical-Analytical Thinking : The entrepreneurship curriculum includes case studies whereby students are required to evaluate real-life business situations. The in-depth study of the history and the current status of a company helps them better their analytical skills and suggest a solution if the company is facing a decline.
- Ideating skills : Students in an entrepreneurship program are exposed to real-world business challenges. Most universities link curriculum to real-world studies so that the students are not restricted to the traditional economic and business dogmas. These studies are crucial as it not only provides exposure but also helps them ideate and shift from mere textbook learning.
- Competitive spirit & social awareness : Most universities that offer entrepreneurship programs organise social entrepreneurship contests. These contests are usually in association with social entrepreneurship business. Contests like these, not only boost the competitive spirit of students but also make them more aware about social causes.
- Multiple perspectives : The entrepreneurship-in-residence programsfacilitate pairing of successful entrepreneurs and start-up founders who interact with students and also mentor them. As entrepreneurs coach from varied fields, it helps students develop multiple perspectives. They are not restricted to a single idea but are exposed to varied viewpoints.
- Research abilities : At its core, the entrepreneurship program is designed to train young minds to innovate. Most universities provide incubation centres where students are given the opportunity to explore their ideas. They also focus on market research, ways to obtain finances and the like. From nurturing an idea to developing into a project, research plays an integral part.
- Technical knowledge : The entrepreneurship program includes methods where students are taught ways in which companies use technology to innovate, communicate and advertise. This process helps students better their technical skills.
- Communication skills : The global exchange programs are an integral part of any curricula. The business exchange programs, however, give a whole new dimension to the students of entrepreneurship. Here, students are exposed to people from varied cultural and professional backgrounds, in the process, they learn the nuances of public speaking and the like.
There is more to an Entrepreneurship program than that which is in the usual curriculum.