- Sri Sri University Calendars
Club Events Calendar
The University Club Events Calendar lists all the events being organized by the University Clubs Team.
The events are exclusively for the current Sri Sri University students and the students can attend these programs, the details of which are shared with them via email as well. For any other queries on the events you can write to clubs@srisriuniversity.edu.in
Calendar Owner: SSU Clubs Coordinator
Club Events Calendar
Admissions Calendar
Lists all Sri Sri University Admissions Related Events and Activities
All admissions related activities listed on the calendar are for students and parents of prospective students seeking admission to Sri Sri University. For any other queries on the events you can write to admissions@srisriuniversity.edu.in
Calendar Owner: SSU Admissions Team
Admissions Calendar
Executive Registrar Calendar
Lists all events and activities announced by the Executive Registrar’s Office
For any other queries on the events and activities you can write to eroffice@srisriuniversity.edu.in or contact the Executive Registrar’s Office.
Calendar Owner: Executive Registrar’s Office
Executive Registrar Calendar
FDP/MDP Calendar
Lists all the upcoming MDP/FDP Events
For any other queries on the upcoming MDP/FDP events and programs you can write to dattaraj.t@srisriuniversity.edu.in
Calendar Owner: MDP/FDP Team
FDP/MDP Calendar
University Holidays Calendar
Lists the Holiday List for the 2021 calendar year
All staff and students will avail the above holidays in addition to Sundays and 3rd Saturdays of each month as holidays. Semester Break, reopening of classes post summer vacation, summer vacation and any other holiday for staff & students will be notified in due course of time.
For any other queries on the events you can write to eroffice@srisriuniversity.edu.in
Calendar Owner: Executive Registrar’s Office
University Holidays Calendar
HR Calendar
The HR Calendar lists all the events and activities as announced by the University HR Team.
For any other queries on the calendar you can write to hr@srisriuniversity.edu.in
Calendar Owner: HR – Sri Sri University
HR Calendar
DSA (Directorate of Student Affairs) Calendar
The DSA Calendar lists all the events and activities as announced by the Directorate of Student Affairs.
For any other queries on the calendar you can write to officeofdirectoratestudentaffairs@srisriuniversity.edu.in
Calendar Owner: DSA – Sri Sri University