Times have changed, and the world has withstood a massive change in terms of communication technology and media. All boundaries have been transcended where the global community seems to come together into one unified being! And it is hereafter that the study of Journalism and Mass-Communication as a stream of discipline and as a career path has become so important and sought after.
It has been a wide belief and quite the norm that people with strong communication skills and a degree in literature were considered fit for journalism and in different areas of mass communication. However, with technology playing a pivotal role in today’s world and our lives at large, all professions related to mass communication now require skilled professionals, who work efficiently to make an impact to a whole range of audience.
Even though there has been an exponential rise in the number of bloggers, where it is commonly assumed that ’anyone’ can become a writer, a closer inspection reveals that only the ones that have attained professional training mark the grade.
Mass communication is not limited to journalism alone. To a larger extent, it is the modern reality which covers all aspects of human life. There are five principal variants of journalism to choose from, such as; Investigative, News, Reviews, Columns and Feature writing.
Digital Journalism is one such aspect. It is also known as online journalism, which is a more contemporary and more democratic form of journalism that measures and analyses web traffic, such as Clicks, Page views, Shares per article, Social media responses, etc.
Digital journalism here serves as a platform in listening to what people want, taking their views and opinions and delivering to them with the same intensity. So the area of digital journalism is much more diverse.
Today there is a dearth of well-trained professionals in mass media. So it creates a good opportunity to take this up as a career path. Careers in Mass Communication are not only well paying but also bring in a great deal of job satisfaction and boosts the creativity quotient.
Taking up a professional course in mass communication opens opportunities for a career in films and TV, Publishing houses, Public Relations, Journalism, Editing, Direction, Filmmaking, Script Writing, Production, etc. In a nutshell, Mass Communication widens up the horizon of career options for the candidates.
Depending upon his/ her personal interest and inclination. There are a lot of opportunities out there available to the talented and trained individuals who are looking at getting themselves to hone their already present creative side along with strong communication skills by enrolling themselves with good institutes for a professional degree.
After they attain the required training and achieve a professional degree then there is no looking back. There are ample opportunities in mass media, new entertainment and news channels where fresh talents are being recognized. With new launches in the pipeline, the demand will only shoot up.
As per findings, News Corporation of Rupert Murdoch, Disney Entertainment, Warner Brothers, CNBC, Guardian Group, BBC, ABC, and many others are included in the large media groups that offer attractive jobs in mass communication at various levels. These organisations offer challenging job profiles.
And Indian professionals excel on their high proficiency in the subject and excellent command over the English language, thereby doing well for themselves in the job.