Students are required to be punctual for their classes as well as for seminars, presentations and assessments and tests. No student can remain absent from the class except with the prior permission of the HOD/Wardens on a prescribed form.
Academic Offences
The following are considered serious offences at Sri Sri University and may result in immediate dismissal from the course.
Plagiarism is when a student submits work i.e.,research, essays and assignments , that is stolen; attempts to pass off another’s ideas or words as his/her own or uses another’s work or idea without properly crediting the source. Plagiarism would be quantified into following levels in ascending order of severity for the purpose of its definition:
Level 0: Similarities upto 10% – Minor similarities, no penalty
Level 1: Similarities above 10% to 40%
Level 2: Similarities above 40% to 60%
Level 3: Similarities above 60%
Detailed guidelines promulgated by the UGC is placed at Annexure – 3 (Page No. – )
Academic Misconduct
Students engaging in any form of activities construed as cheating, copying, assisting others, or receiving any form of assistance during examinations will be subject to disciplinary action.
Any breach of regulations relating to examinations and assessments, whether committed intentionally or unintentionally, will be regarded as a ‘gross misconduct’ and a flagrant violation of the Code of Academic Integrity. The Controller of Examinations/Dean will refer the matter to the Disciplinary Committee, who can take punitive action deemed necessary.
Proxy signatures
Signing in by proxy during classroom attendance or elsewhere by students amounts to forgery of signature and will be treated as a criminal offense by Sri Sri University. Students involved in such forgery will be liable to prosecution.
Attendance Requirements
Minimum 75% attendance (in lectures, tutorials, and practical classes) is required for appearing in university and semester/trimester examinations.
Students, who do not have the required attendance (calculated on the basis of combined schedules of theory and practical hours), will not be permitted to appear in the final university examinations.
A 10% relaxation in attendance may be given at the discretion of the Vice-Chancellor under special circumstances on the recommendation of the Dean/HoD.
Students who do not attend classes for more than seven days without duly sanctioned leave shall find their names struck off from the university’s rolls. They will have to re-deposit their admission fee in order to continue, subject to other eligibility conditions being satisfied.
Attendance at seminars and guest lecturers is compulsory for students.
Mid-Semester Withdrawal
Students, who desire to withdraw from the programme during the academic year without valid reason, the full fees for the entire duration of the programme has to be deposited while seeking withdrawal. This provision will be subservient to any specific provision of the UGC in this regard.