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BSc (Hons.) Horticulture


BSc (Hons.) Horticulture


  • The global demand for food and land produce will continue to grow and solutions to manage resources better need to be found. Our curriculum closes this gap for it offers the opportunity to adopt a scientific approach and develop the business skills you will need to succeed in the commercial horticultural sector.
  • The course integrates the basic sciences, humanities, horticulture, allied sciences and also includes horticultural engineering. This enables you to acquire knowledge and skills to develop technology and/or processes to increase both the production and productivity of horticulture and other farms produce through efficient utilization and conservation of natural resources.
  • B.Sc (Hons.) in Horticulture at our campus aims at creating human resources with informed knowledge and technical skills to empower the agriculture sector for tomorrow.
  • Predictive projections indicate that agriculture will be requiring skilled manpower to revive farming activities. The technical course aims at filling the gap by creating skilled professionals who go back to practicing farming, create their own start-up companies, or serve the government in various capacities.

Course Details


  • Bachelor of Science (Hons.) in Horticulture is administered for 4 years and spreads across 8 semesters.
  • In each semester, students learn theoretical and conceptual aspects of various interdisciplinary courses. They are exposed to hands-on practical topics that range from 10- 12 themes in each course. Students learn through the presentation of assigned topics during the course to develop an overall comprehension of the course curricula. Students undergo practical training placement with the farmers through the RAWE program (Rural Agricultural Work Experience). This program is the basis for pragmatic training that exposes students to the rural lifestyle in areas such as agriculture and livelihood systems, socio-economic conditions of the farmers, and their problems that relate to modern agricultural development. 
  • The outreach program embedded into the course curriculum also helps students develop communication skills and build problem-solving competence. Such pedagogy imparts abilities to diagnose and develop problem-solving skills relevant to the real-time problems of the agriculture sector.
  • Students also participate in a custom-designed internship program to provide practical exposure to agriculture-based companies, rural cottage industries, research institutions, service-providing extension institutions, NGOs involved in the training and building of the rural economy and technologies support companies under Hands-on Training (HOT) and   Agro-Industrial Attachment (AIA) program.
  • Under the HOT program, students will be provided practical knowledge and training on specific topics to develop skillsets to initiate start-up companies under the guidance of a faculty member of the university.
  • Students also participate in all-India and state educational tours, that provide exposure to State Agricultural Universities and ICAR governed research institutions and their functioning. They also have a chance to interact with invited experts on topical issues relevant to agriculture and be a part of the team organizing the workshop or training program as and when they are organized.
  • During the 4-year term, the curriculum of B.Sc. (Hons.) in Horticulture provides exposure to inter-disciplinary courses and pragmatic training.
  • Comprehend the interdisciplinary science of Horticulture, Agriculture, Plantation science, and allied scientific knowledge to become a horticultural practitioner and provider of horticultural services
  • Comprehensively gain knowledge on the status and importance of horticulture in India and optimization of income generating enterprises of horticulture
  • Contribute to knowledge dissemination of hi-tech horticulture in India
  • Create a platform for profitable enterprises to market horticultural produce and post-harvest technologies and value addition



10+2 examination (science with PCB/PCM) from a recognised board with a minimum of 50% score





INR 60,000 / $US 1800


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Applications for 2025-26 Open