Examination Guidelines
Subject wise Registration and Eligibility to Appear at Examinations
All Registered Students of the university have to register for each of the subjects they are required to study and appear at an examination before commencement of a semester. Except in the 1st Semester, where a student is automatically registered for all subjects of the semester, a student has to apply to the HOD in a specified format for subject wise registration for the semester. The same will be scrutinized and registration confirmation will be given to each student.
Registration for Electives
- In the succeeding years the students are required to register for subjects in the elective areas according to the schedule drawn for the program in specific formats available for the purpose. No subject in the elective area will be allowed for registration if there are fewer than TEN students opting for the particular elective subject. Similarly, no combination in the elective area will be allowed for registration if there are fewer than TEN students opting for the particular combination of elective subjects. However, if the number of students admitted to the program is less than ten then only one elective shall be allowed.
- A student who has been promoted with BACKLOG PAPER shall first register his present semester subjects, and, thereafter, register his BACKLOG PAPER of the previous year for the corresponding semester in the specific format.
- A student shall be admitted to examination in a subject only if he/she has registered for that subject, paid the necessary registration and examination fee at the beginning of the semester.
- A candidate shall be allowed in an examination only after he/she is issued an Admit Card for the relevant examination by the department.