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B.Sc. (Hons.) Agribusiness


B.Sc. (Hons.) Agribusiness

  • BSc (Hons.) Agri-Business is an undergraduate degree program that is offered to create professionals with agricultural and management skills. Recent years have seen a surge in demand for business and management professionals in the agricultural field, which has made courses like BSc (Hons.) Agri-Business even more relevant.
  • The four years BSc (Hons.) Agri-Business course curriculum is structured to meet the needs of the agriculture industry. A student of BSc (Hons.) Agribusiness would evolve their perspective in core field areas like breeding, crop rotation, machinery, etc along with the marketing and sales strategy of food and agriculture products. An individual who is involved in agriculture production, distribution, marketing, and sales is associated with agribusiness.

Course Details

  • The course curriculum is developed to integrate topics to provide overall insight on theory and practices involved in farming, crop management, and practices of agri-business to services provision to enable sustainable economic development linked agricultural produce business models.     
  • The course curriculum makes one relate to the agriculture practices in the field and develop the business perspective of the same.
  • One would develop learning in fields of Fundamentals of Soil Science, Production Management of Important Fruit Crops, Livestock Production and Management, Agricultural and Natural Resource Economics, Principles of Management and Agribusiness, Introductory Biology, Introductory Mathematics and many more.
  • In each semester, students learn theoretical and conceptual aspects of various interdisciplinary courses. They are exposed to hands-on practical topics that range from 10- 12 themes in each course. Students learn through the presentation of assigned topics during the course to develop an overall comprehension of the course curricula.
  • Students undergo practical training placement with the farmers through the RAWE program (Rural Agricultural Work Experience). This program is the basis for pragmatic training that exposes students to the rural lifestyle in areas such as agriculture and livelihood systems, socio-economic conditions of the farmers, and their problems that relate to modern agricultural development. 
  • The outreach program embedded into the course curriculum also helps students develop communication skills and build problem-solving competence. Such pedagogy imparts abilities to diagnose and develop problem-solving skills relevant to the real-time problems of the agriculture sector.
  • Understand the theoretical and practical concepts of agriculture and allied subjects in relation to agribusiness management
  • Ability to comprehend and analyze the status of agriculture in India and income generating enterprises associated with farming activities with global, economic, legal, political and ethical considerations of the agribusiness
  • Ability to evaluate the demand supply gaps in the agriculture and food market and design strategies to overcome this problem
  • Capability to adopt innovative ideas, agri-business models and skills to become an entrepreneur
  • Create innovative business models and profitable enterprises to market agricultural produce



Students  from any of the combination of the courses in their 12th or +2 or Intermediate viz., Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology, Economics, Business Management with a minimum 50% of aggregate pass marks are eligible to apply for B.Sc. (Hons.) Agribusiness degree program. Also, applicants with Diploma in agriculture or horticulture are also eligible and encouraged apply.





₹63,000 / $US 1700


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Applications for 2025-26 Open