Dr. Satyajit Mohanty

- Ph.D. (National Law University Odisha) 2019
- PGPPM (IIM, Bangalore) & Maxwell School of Public Policy (Syracuse Univ, USA), 2013
- Master of Human Rights (Pondicherry Univ), 2002
- LL.B. (Utkal Univ), 2000
- M.Sc. (Utkal Univ) 1983
Research Interest: Policy & Governance, Police Reforms, Community Policing, Criminology
- Mishra AP, Mahanta S, Padhi PP and Saha H (2018) Sorption of Flouride in some soils of varying phosphate status of west Bengal and Meghalaya. International Journal of Chemical Studies 6(4): 3352-3358 [NAAS 5.38]
- Mishra JP, Singh RK, Yadaw D, Nayak JK, Mishra AP (2018). Nutrient uptake and economics of Indian mustard [Brassica juncea (L.) Czernj and Cosson] as influenced by tillage and irrigation frequency. International Journal of Chemical Studies 7 (1): 2123-2126 [NAAS 5.38]
- Mishra JP, Singh RK, Yadaw D, Sahoo S, Mishra AP (2019). Quality of Indian mustard [Brassica juncea (L.) Czernj and Cosson] as influenced by tillage and irrigation frequency. Journal of Pharmocogenis and Phytocheistry 8 (1): 2280-2283 [NAAS 5.46]
- Monica M, Dash A K, Panda N, Mishra AP, Sahu S, Prusty M (2021) Management of Nitrogen and Phosphorous in Green Gram (Vigna radiata) by Foliar Supplementation of Urea Phosphate in Acidic Inceptisols. Indian Society of Coastal Agriculture 39(1) 52-60 [NAAS 5.6]
- Mishra AP, Dash Ak, Panda N, Prusty M, Sahu S. (2021) Relative efficiency of different sources of sulphur on yield and soil nutrient status in kharif rice (Oryza sativa). Oryza, Vol (57) 288-295[NAAS 4.6]
Seminars & Trainings:
- “Mid-Career Training Programme Phase V,” SVP National Police Academy, Hyderabad, 22 May-2 June 2017
- “Community Policing and De-radicalisation,” National Conclave on Community Policing, Thiruavanthapuram, Kerala, 16-17 March 2017
- “Regional Workshop on SMART policing”, BPR&D and Karnataka Police, Bangalore, 27-28 April 2015
- “Public Governance, Innovation and Social Policy Analysis,” TISS, Mumbai, 19-23 January 2015
- “National Workshop on Paradigm Change in Community Policing,” BPR&D and Kerala Police, Kerala, 13-14 November 2014
- “4th All India Police Housing Conference,” Bhubaneswar, 25-26 September 2014 (Conference Secretary)
- “Police Practice, Prejudice and Performance: Making the Change,” CHRI, New Delhi, 9-10 March 2013
- “Strengthening Institution and Enhancing Governance,” Sixth International Conference on Public Policy and Management, IIM Bangalore, 28-30 December 2011
- “3rd International & 7th Biennial Conference of Indian Society of Victimology,” KIIT University, Bhubaneswar, 6-8 January 2011
- “Women in Police as Change Agents,” 4th National Conference of Women in Police, Bhubaneswar, 15-17 September 2010 (Conference Secretary)
- “Strategic Management Programme (Level III),” SVP National Police Academy, Hyderabad, 12-17 January 2010
- “Global Community Policing Conclave,” Kochi, Kerala, 4 November 2010
- “Workshop on Curriculum & Syllabus of Basic Training Course of IPS,” SVP National Police Academy, Hyderabad, 10-12 June 2009
- “Vertical Interaction Course,” Institute of Management in Government, Thiruvananthapuram, 2001
- “Media Management,” SVP National Police Academy, Hyderabad, 21-25 August 2000
Journal Articles:
- Police Subculture and its Influence on Arrest Discretion Behaviour: An Empirical Study, NUJS Journal of Regulatory Studies Vol. 4 Issue: December 2019 Pp 36-51, ISSN (O): 2456-4605
- Police Subculture and Its Influence on Arrest Discretion Behaviour: An Empirical Study in the Context of Indian Police; SVP NPA Journal, Volume 68, Number 2, December 2019, ISSN 2395-2733
- Ama Police: The Community Policing Scheme of Odisha, Indian Police Journal, Vol LXIII. No 1, Jan-Mar 2016, Pp 12-21
- Community Policing: Challenges and Recommendations, Defence and Security Alert, Vol 7, Issue 5, February 2016, Pp 22-27
- Security Challenges of Smart Cities, Defence and Security Alert, Vol 6, Issue 12, September 2015, Pp 37-40
- Community Policing and Homeland Security: Lessons from the USA Experience, Defence and Security Alert, Vol 6, Issue 9, June 2015, Pp 16-19
- Community Policing as a Public Policy, Janamaithri Almanac, Kerala Police, February 2013, Pp 5-19
- Participatory Democracy: Transparency and Accountability in Police Organizations, 2013, Journal of Indian Institute of Public Administration, Vol XVV, Pp 135-148, ISSN 2231-556 X
- Victims of Terrorism: Contesting Connotations and Emerging Paradigms, 2011, The Mumbai Protector Vol. II, No. 3, Pp 57-70 (jointly with Dr. R K Mohanty)
- Urban Transport and Traffic Planning in Bhubaneswar-Cuttack Urban Complex, Proceedings of Workshop on Urban Governance, IIPA, Bhubaneswar, 22nd August 2010, Pp 57-63
- Women in Police: Issues and Concerns, 2010, The Mumbai Protector Vol. II, No. 1, Pp 62-66
Office Bearer of Sports & Other Organisations:
- Incumbent Honorary Secretary, Odisha Tennis Association
- Incumbent President, Youth Hostels Association of India, Odisha
- President, Utkal University Alumni Association, Vani Vihar, Bhubaneswar