Dr. Swagatika Mishra
Ph.D ( Architecture)
What subject you teach at SSU ?
Constructional Technology & Material,Research Skills,History of Art & Architecture, Historical, Cultural & contextual studies, Architectural Design, Vernacular Architecture
- Cityscape Award for Best Master Planning & Urban Design (Uttorayon Township Morphogenesis)
- Award for the affordable township of the year 2019 (Shrachi Rennaisance, Morphogenesis)
- CREDAI award for real estate for best Green residential building in Bangalore (August Park, Zachariah Consultant)
Journals :
“Mainstreaming ‘Street Bazaars’ in Spatial Planning: Study of Tribal Women’s Micro Enterprises in Keonjhar City, Odhisa.” JETIR May 2019, Volume 6, Issue 5
Research interest in gender-sensitive spatial planning, interior design, and landscape, Music, Art, Literature, Dance
Other Accomplishments:
Worked as part of the team in restoring UNESCO world heritage project, Hampi.