Ms. Sayani Bhowmick

Ms. Sayani Bhowmick
Assistant Professor
- Ph.D (Pursuing)- BCKV; Mohanpur; West Bengal
- B.Sc (Ag)- BCKV; Mohanpur; Nadia; West Bengal
- M.Sc (Agricultural Meteorology)- BCKV; Mohanpur; Nadia; West Bengal
- ICAR NET qualified
What subject you teach at SSU ?
Agricultural Meteorology
- Worked as a SRF (Senior Research Fellow) in the India-UK international research project namely “The Influence of monsoon on freshwater availability for agriculture over Sundarbans region of West Bengal, India, under current and climate change conditions” from July, 2019 to September, 2020 funded by Ministry of Earth Science, GOI.
- ICAR-NET qualified in 2020.
Ms Sayani Bhowmick says
The founder of SSU, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar ji is a spiritual leader who helps millions of people to find relief from stress and spreads peace among them. Sri Sri University (SSU) is famous for its innovative teaching and learning process. It offers a unique education that brings together the best of Western innovation with the ancient values and wisdom of the East. The vision and mission it offers were found very interesting.
Previous Organisation
SRF (Senior Research Fellow) in the India-UK international research project, funded by Ministry of Earth Science, GOI.
Das L, Bhowmick S. 2019. CMIP5 based seasonal long-term rainfall change scenario of West Bengal, RASHI 3 (2): 01- (2019)
Other Accomplishments
- Knowledge in handling large volume of meteorological data and working with rainfall data using R program for last 4 years. Able to work with general circulation models (GCMs) and have experience in using following packages of “R” software – “esd”, “qmap”, “hydroGOF” .
- Worked as a SRF (Senior Research Fellow) in the India-UK international research project namely “The Influence of monsoon on freshwater availability for agriculture over Sundarbans region of West Bengal, India, under current and climate change conditions” from July, 2019 to September, 2020 funded by Ministry of Earth Science, GOI.
Teaching, Research and Inovation.