Odhisa: Culture & Heritage
Osteopathy: Everything to Know About the Non-Invasive Healing Therapy!
Mar 13, 2020
By: Student Contributor, University Blog Team

Osteopathy is a holistic approach where the entire body of a patient is tended and healed without the use of conventional medical practices.
Osteopathy was founded by Andrew Taylor Still back in the year 1874. It is a non-invasive, drug-free manual therapy that aims at improving the health of the entire body by strengthening and manipulating the musculoskeletal framework.
Osteopathic physicians generally focus on muscles, joints, and spine. The treatment has a positive effect on the circulatory, nervous and lymphatic systems of a person. As osteopathy is a manual medicine, it carries out both treatment and diagnosis with hands.
As osteopathy is a complementary therapy it can be put into use alongside conventional medical treatment for improving health. Osteopathic physicians are generally medical doctors (MDs); however, they have much more training as compared to any other complementary therapists, hence they are termed as ODs.
Facts about Osteopathy:
- Osteopathy utilizes non-invasive manual medicine which focuses on the holistic health of a human body. Osteopathy doesn’t just repair an injury or the part which is affected.
- The Osteopathic intervention aids in treating back pain, arthritis, tennis elbow, headaches, postural problems, and digestive issues.
- Osteopathic treatment can also aid in making sleeping cycles better by diagnosing nervous, lymphatic and circulatory symptoms.
How can Osteopathy tend to other body systems?
Osteopathy treatments have a positive impact on a body’s circulatory, nervous as well as the lymphatic system for improving the functionality of the body and overall health.
Osteopathic techniques can enhance lymphatic health, and at the same time, it can facilitate internal improvements in a body without undergoing invasive treatment or surgeries. Additionally, it can improve the overall health of a person and at the same time reduces the ongoing health risks and bills.
In the fast-paced world, where sedentary lifestyle plays a critical role in affecting health across the world, Osteopathy can do wonders in enlisting a healthy lifestyle.